No probs. We do some Freelander friendly lanes but some of them can be quite scratchy....let me know beforehand if damaging your paintwork is an issue and we can work the routes around that....


No thats not a problem at all, im up for anything and everything (to do with laning).
Cheers mate
Hello bud, im in cambridge but im sure there will be some lads on this thread out your way.
Keep an eye out on other green lane/offroading threads aswell and im sure you will come across others in your area who you can join for some laning.
Anywhere not too far from cambridge if your up for it?
I was going to try some lanes near Witchford (near Ely) at the weekend if I can get some jobs done on the truck.. I've no idea how rough they are until I get there though.. what do you drive..?
1. Animal88 D1 2" lift, road tyres, snorkel
2. ATKO Freelander TD4, mud tyres only so far
I'll be there somewhere but I'm already committed to accompanying a non member so not sure of exact times etc yet. We'll be in old Ninety trucks, mine's green.
Ok fella, hopefully see you sunday.
Yeh saw Matt today and he's up for hooking up so..

1. Animal88, D1 2" lift, road tyres, snorkel
2. ATKO, Freelander TD4, mud tyres only so far
3. Blackstrat, 90 truck cab off-roader
4. Matt, 90 truck cab off-roader

So when and where then?

Not wishing to influence in any way but there's a Little Chef out that way (A10 roundabout I think) which sells coffee...? :)

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