Thanks Blackstrat....cracking day and I think we all did at least one lane we've never done before....roll on the next trip.....will try and rip some footage or stills off the cam this week.....
Hope to join you guys in a local laning trip at some time soon. I am just up the A11 from Thetford.
no while out laning the panhard bracket on the axle sheared off leaving me with a very wobbly front axle. luckily I have a spare that I have been meaning to refurb and switch over just looks like it's going to be done sooner than planned
Not me, just gonna do some local laning on me tod.. no sorry I meant in an organised group because it would be unwise to go alone.. :)
very tempted to come with blackstrat but got some jobs to do on the disco before it's going playing again. might end up laning on the 14th as a day out for my youngest's bday but that's down to him as to what he wants to do. would you be about if I do end up laning?
very tempted to come with blackstrat but got some jobs to do on the disco before it's going playing again. might end up laning on the 14th as a day out for my youngest's bday but that's down to him as to what he wants to do. would you be about if I do end up laning?
Hmmm... hold that thought..
it'll be with the generals on not the road slicks just need to do the camel cut asap as last laning trip I caught the rear arches alot

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