
New Member
Hello all.

Just wondering if in the new year anyone has any plans for laning? Trying to get a decent size group together for lanes and play days... I'm near Camelford but will travel to where ever...? Any takers?
did you not like the look of the aptly titled "cornwall, devon greenlaning" thread thats already been started? :doh: :D
Hello all.

Just wondering if in the new year anyone has any plans for laning? Trying to get a decent size group together for lanes and play days... I'm near Camelford but will travel to where ever...? Any takers?

I have often found that laning in large groups causes upset, and is best avoided. Always prefer to keep it small and subtle myself.
I think many people will be wary of meeting total strangers for laning trips, they could turn out to be idiots who drive irresponsibly and risk getting us all banned. Maybe if you stick around for a while and we see how informed and responsible you are, you might get some takers?
It is too wet for laning around here at the moment anyway.
Are you a member of GLASS, if not, you should be if you are considering driving green lanes.
I wasn't planning on going in a big group only 3 maybe 4 tops
I was only seeing if anyone fancied it
The lanes around here are too wet to drive without causing damage at the moment.
Give it a few weeks.
I was just trying to gauge some interest to arrange summin for next month :)

Try a read of GLASS code of conduct. It will give you an idea of when conditions are suitable for laning. Basically, if you are damaging the surface, you shouldn't be out.
I understand they are very wet atm and are not to be damaged or they could well be closed which is not what we want.
I understand they are very wet atm and are not to be damaged or they could well be closed which is not what we want.

Now youre getting the idea! :)
Most surfaces will just cut up and **** everybody off atm. Were lucky down here, not the hostility to laning there is in some places. Good if we can keep it like that.;)
Hello all.

Just wondering if in the new year anyone has any plans for laning? Trying to get a decent size group together for lanes and play days... I'm near Camelford but will travel to where ever...? Any takers?

A few of us meet up at Baldhu every now and then your be more then welcome to join us
We are all very friendly helpful sensible adults who meet up there at Baldhu

I'm going tomorrow 23-2-14 chaz will be there as well that's if he gets his Disco sorted out :confused:
Is Baldhu still plagued by idiots on motorbikes charging around everywhere at 60mph?

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