
New Member
hi all just to let anyone with any type of 4x4 that there is a new greenlaning club on the scene, membership is free and there are no complicated procedures to join. Based around the suffolk/cambridgshire/essex border we are well served with some fabulous lanes right on our doorstep stretching out into essex and cambridgshire, we try and do an "alldayer" every 4-6 weeks
and allways have a great day out. I drive a slightly modified sportrak and there is a surf in the group as well plus the usual landrover fare!.I have full workshop facilities and can carry out work on all types of 4x4 plus give advice if possible. to find our website just put "suffolk greenlaning association" into your google search box and follow the links or go straight to....
thanks for your time, keep driving these great cars and i hope to meet you out greenlaning one day! regards, kirk
Oh come on thainy... this isn't the usual spam drivel we usually get! I think the fella's sincere and is inviting us to join him. At least he isn't trying to charge people for the pleasure liek some of the other damn fools that try it on here!

I for one welcome him, it's always nice to have someone else to quiz about lanes close to our neck of the woods!
Oh come on thainy... this isn't the usual spam drivel we usually get! I think the fella's sincere and is inviting us to join him. At least he isn't trying to charge people for the pleasure liek some of the other damn fools that try it on here!

I for one welcome him, it's always nice to have someone else to quiz about lanes close to our neck of the woods!

I might be wrong but I have just taken a look at the site mentioned in the above post.

This is from the about us page...


we are a bunch of people centred in the Haverhill area with a penchant for big tyres tall suspension and high bodies we meet once a month and have a day off roading around East Anglia centring mainly around Suffolk Essex and Cambridgeshire we have various off-road vehicles between us which we spend mucho time tinkering (repairing) and modifying for the muddiest and wettest lanes we can find we are hoping to plan some other offroad adventures in other parts of the UK and maybe abroad in the near future and also some days out to some specialist off road centres if this is for you please join this site to keep regularly updated on future trips and muddy madness!

also as this site grows we are hoping it will become a centrepiece for help and advice and any technical issues we can help each other with."

Is it just me or are the antis just going to love this? Hunting for the muddiest action around on green lanes is not going to keep them quiet is it?

It's probably a great group... I just think that perhaps some of the terminology needs to keep the antis in mind.

Still if you think I'm wrong I just put on me flame proof underpants!

I might be wrong but I have just taken a look at the site mentioned in the above post.

This is from the about us page...


we are a bunch of people centred in the Haverhill area with a penchant for big tyres tall suspension and high bodies we meet once a month and have a day off roading around East Anglia centring mainly around Suffolk Essex and Cambridgeshire we have various off-road vehicles between us which we spend mucho time tinkering (repairing) and modifying for the muddiest and wettest lanes we can find we are hoping to plan some other offroad adventures in other parts of the UK and maybe abroad in the near future and also some days out to some specialist off road centres if this is for you please join this site to keep regularly updated on future trips and muddy madness!

also as this site grows we are hoping it will become a centrepiece for help and advice and any technical issues we can help each other with."

Is it just me or are the antis just going to love this? Hunting for the muddiest action around on green lanes is not going to keep them quiet is it?

It's probably a great group... I just think that perhaps some of the terminology needs to keep the antis in mind.

Still if you think I'm wrong I just put on me flame proof underpants!
I read it the same,they stand good chance of f***ing up some good lanes and anoying people if they do as ot reads
I just took a look at their photos forum too. I think perhaps there are one or two photos that should really not be there.
Bloody 'ell I sound anal... reading what I've put... but the truth is the truth.
There's a few issues. Firstly, is it just me or is the website dreadfully slow? Who are you using as a webhost? Not your own PC in the bedroom???

Secondly, a few of the pics appear to be off piste stuff. Are they, or do they just look like they are:





Other than those 2 problems, good luck with the club.
hi all, thanks for the feedback and comments! the pictures are going to be removed asap and we realise that the pics in question do look "wrong" they were all taken at our mates farm and dont represent our greenlaning at all, we only use routes from the o/s maps and are only trying to get more people involved. The last thing we want to do is upset more well established groups such as yourselves. Our greenlaning days are well organised with a route planned first and normally a picnic and a warm up in the pub when we finish[no drinking and driving!] any comments would be helpfull and we hope to see some of you guys out and about sometime, thanks, kirk.
Hi Kirk,

Fair play for accepting the critisizms... we get all sorts on here and all too often people will end up sounding off for no good reason when they think they are being critisized.

Good to know that the pics noted were on private ground... you could leave them in place but it would be good if there were a comment to illustrate it so that the rambling numpties don't cop the arse!

I would be inclined to watch the sort of terms you use on your public pages though... trying not to use anything that could be used as evidence against you is usually a good guideline.

Good luck with the club - I am sure you will bump into some of us herts laners in the not too distant future since we all spend some of the time over your way!
i will ask him, but i wouldnt hold your breath as he only lets people on who he knows normally, we used to take those 2wd buggies there and had a circuit going over some bumps and humps in the ground-great fun till one of them rolled and even though it was fully caged it just bent like paper--a warning to anyone buying these machines from obscure chinese manufacturers!
I just took a look at their photos forum too. I think perhaps there are one or two photos that should really not be there.

I've took a look and agree totally. I'm not saying that we are all angels and don't stand in the back of a pick up but we don't need those sort of pictures on the internet to give the eco nutters even more ammo. They're still roads so in the same way you wouldn't go to the police and say that you do 40 in a 30 (and we all know everyone does), you don't go posting pictures or illegal activities on the internet.

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