No suprises there then :p

Change of subject......was wondering about folks thoughts on the wisdom or otherwise of putting vids on youboob with the LZ addy?

Not that I see anything wrong with the vid but LZ represents a hell of a lot of people....just a passing thought

maybe a new thread in ag to discuss your concerns bb?
dont see nothing wrong with it but if it offends people I won't put it on vid's no more

Doesn't offend me and not saying it's 'wrong'.......Certainly not seen anything to worry about here but as a general thing of individual members posting stuff that reflects on the forum as a whole (and in some cases possibly forum owners :eek:) I said just a thought.

One fer the secure unit maybe
I'll have a wander over in a few weeks and do some filming I think to see how its changing! Was my favorite little local section for a long time!
i once drove the road around the resevoir at the bottom of holme moss on my own, stupid and scary i know, but very twisty. it was not long after the waterboard had done alot of major work around 2003.

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