
New Member
Abit short notice but does anyone fancy going greenlaneing around Sheffield/doncaster area I don't know any lanes but finally got the RRC working?
Me and the mrs/young un are going out for a few hours tmoz in the peaks, few easy going lanes nowt too serious and taking some dinner/picknic your welcome to come along/join in
Sounds good see you there I will pm you my number if you want,I do have a cb but the thing decided it didn't want work today but never know it might want to work tomorrow
Arghhhhh this will teach me to check site before i go bed i live in Doncaster and would have come on this trip not happy now
Arghhhhh this will teach me to check site before i go bed i live in Doncaster and would have come on this trip not happy now

Me too, but I didn't get in till 1am :D

Dont worry you 2 you didnt miss anything too exciting, was just a couple of hours or so doing a few "regulars" in the peaks just so that (dave) disturbed could get a feel for laning, twos a nice afternoon in very nice company, just 1 picy to put up in a bit :)
Hope these pics work


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