Well-Known Member
I am only using my Defender 110 County once or twice a month and it is now damp, condensation and mold is about... I know the real solution is to use it more but I am looking for a cost effective and safe way just to try and keep it dry on the inside.
I have spotted a electric tube heater and wonder if anyone uses one to keep the condensation away in a standing Land Rover?
Electric Tube Heaters | 1 - 6 feet | 60W/ft | With Flex, Plug & Brackets | White | eBay
Any advice would be appreciated... for £20 I guess its worth a shot but not sure what size to get? One foot use 60 watts, two foot uses 120 watts ect... Cheers
Use water absorbing crystals, have a look on motorhome/caravan websites, these are vehicles that spend all winter stored up and there are lots of solutions, the best one is to get a cover and stop the water getting in in the first place...
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Try covering it with a Tarp as well to help prevent any extra water getting in, this will help to dry it out if you are suffering with damp.
+1 on the crystals but remember if you heat anything up and its cold outside you will create a dewpoint and the moisture in the air will transfer from outside to inside like a fridge in reverse get a dehumidifier to start with and get the car dry then carry on with crystals and keep air moving inside if poss, do you have a roof lining? and is it parked outside?
If you were going to go for those tube heaters I would strongly reccomend a second battery to power them :p
Points taken thank you... for £20 I have ordered a 2ft 120w heater... I will pick up some of those crystals from the pound shop. I will let you know how it goes. While its a dry breezy day I have just opened all the doors to give it some air :)

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