
New Member
When me and my mates go green laning we drive slow,respectfully,are polite and always pull over and turn our engines off for horse riders.But still get dirty looks and sometimes abuse.
Me and my daughter spent two days clearing rubbish and over grown brambles the other day,and not one bugger see us doing it.Typical.I was hoping for a bit of good publicity for us decent 4x4 owners.
Tis the way.Do allot of hiking and that(NOT red sock brigade) and everyone yer meet says hello, but not if yer driving.
if we see a walker we normally wind down the window and have a chat with them the elderly ones with sticks seem to be the the worst who tend to be riled up and arguementative. ive find the best way is to come out with technical jargen that probably doesnt make sense coupled with a smile and a good atitude normally works. but does make me laugh when your blatently on an off road course that the farmer has let us build thats also at the end of a boat which is not under any restriction at all, they shake there sticks and yell but no we have to keep our cool and resist the temptation of covering them in mud lol. a lot of walkers ive encountered are quite happy to chat and you can use them to your advantage too as they have just walked the lane and know its condition
always say I'm surveying if they get narky. beacon on the roof and hi-viz on the passenger seat, fall for it every time.
I've found that the majority of walkers are actually ok. Some are a bit off but kets face it they have decided to walk in the middle of a road! I have had a few nice surprises though. Driving some lanes near us I have wound the window down to thank the walkers and they start toward me. "Ok here we go more aggro" but no... they simply wish us a pleasant drive and in one case mentioned that their own landy was at the other end of the lane!
Ryder was you with us when that crazy guy come running out with his camera and leaflets at the end of that lane ?
thats why he had the spade to hand, the guy just did it the wrong way being in ya face abit waving notices and cameras around like no tomorrow
When I went up Walna Scar in 2006 a group of youngsters with climbing equipment roped themselves accross a bridge, blocking our way, in protest:D :D
lol you should have hooked a piece of rope to the climbing eqipment and just reversed lol wud of paid to see there faces
Whats actually got me into wanting to do green lanes was that when I was about 14, I was staying on Stanage, snow, wind, fog, not nice conditions at all. Decided to bump the site and make a run for Sheffield. Heading back down Stanage at about 0530 I meet 3 green laners on the way, who say its no condition at all for a little kid to be out in on his own. Cue one free trip back to Sheffield.

Still in contact with one of the guys, and is still promising to take me out sometime! Don't tar all us walkers with the same brush.
Went out on Sunday and a couple of walkers actually held the gate open so we could drive through it. Even offered to wait till we'd got thru and close it for us. But one of the group was lagging behind so we thanked them and waited for him to catch us up.
Ryder was you with us when that crazy guy come running out with his camera and leaflets at the end of that lane ?

Oh yes I remember that one. The whole family including small chilren in the car, you can't get angry It would be the wrong example.

I just asked the man whether he knew he was living next to a byway when he bought the house, and whether the price reflected this. As we spoke he got more and more cross saying that he doesn't understand why drivers go through the lane and upset his Sunday afternoon. I finished up by explaining that I couldn't understand why people would flag me down with a shovel and spoil my afternoon drive.

I did consider getting a lorry load of manure delivered though!

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