Looks like you lot had fun, let me know when you're going again - I'm a GLASS member, but so far have been greenlaning on some very easy lanes. These look much more interesting for testing me STT's... I'm local to the area too (Near Cleck)
hi can you plz let me know when you're going Green Laning West Yorkshire again so i can tag on
I've missed the laning trip that was on 17/10....so would definitely like to be there for the next one...and know a few more people local to me.......if anyone fancy going out, I am always free over any weekends....
Not to be a killjoy, but those lanes looked a tad too muddy to be carefully driven.

It's stuff like that that gets laners a bad name, and risks lanes being closed.
- Allbeit really good fun!!

I realise this post was years ago but any decent muddy lanes like this in West Yorkshire or you gents still go out ? (Worth a shot)
If you want muddy you need one of the pay and play sites, not green lanes. There is another section on here for pay and play

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