Does anyone want to put a day and time forward? I'm free this wkend or any time on an evening,wont be able to go for a couple of weeks after the 21st oct due to surgery on shoulder.We could meet mcdonalds on leeds road huddersfield when everyones free...
forgot to say, everyone else welcome as well. The routes I know aren't to serious so ideal for people like me,,,,beginners..couple of climbs n a rough section.
sorry's my turn to set out the trial with Yorkshire Offroad Club this am unable to join you guys this saturday.
You can do a full day of lanes around huddersfield and down to honley.

Some pics from the last trip i did.








Them pics look great,I don't think they are the lanes I know.If you cant come then could you give us the heads up on o/s grid ref's please.The swampy looking lane's making my a**e twitch a bit though.Suppose with a couple of us out n tow ropes there will be no probs..Really looking forward to it now though..Question for kingsonlim...where are you setting up the off road course please,I might have a trip up to watch..?
how long is the huddersfield to honley lanes and are they suitable for a discovery with standard 205 tires and with a stupid towbar the the ball detaches on?

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