I've just got to know the the Lane that runs out of Icklinham and now I want more . Can anyone point me in the direction of some more lanes in the area
Hi Stephen,

Glad you're enjoying the laning. I organise a trip every 6 - 8 weeks with other guys off Landyzone and along with another GLASS member admin the East of England Facebook page.

My truck is off the road at the moment (hopefully back in the next 3 -4 weeks) but more than happy to extend an invite to your good self if you want to tag along.

Rightly or wrongly, even though the info is in the public domain (check out the Suffolk and Norfolk interactive maps online) a lot of us lanes are more than a little reserved in just dishing out lane info and routes in case it gets into the hands of the irresponsible laners, hence not putting them up on a public forum such as this.

It's often the case that once you've been out with a few people and you're known people will happily swap routes with you. Also bear in mind that route planning can take up to several hours to complete by the time you've crossed reference council websites with Trailwise etc. There's also lots of sticky posts on the various forums on how to find lanes etc....

The lane you mentioned can be used as part of a much lager circuit - I've lead a group around Thetford and Kings Forest - a 45 mile circuit with at least 75% off road - very similar to the route covered off in LRO magazine last month (the one with the Lightweight on the front).

When you get to the Eleven to Bury Road, you can go straight across through the chicken farm and head towards Barnham (the lane forks on the other side of the farm) or turn right, head up to the stone memorial, right again and it takes you to West Stow.

Most of these lanes I have done solo as long as 1) you're happy with the reliability of your truck and 2) you don't get stuck. You will also need maps of some kind on you to make sure you're keeping to the track and not going off-piste.....


Is there any chance I could come along when you when you drive the lanes around Thetford PLEASE?.Did a trip around there with the wife years ago in a group when I had a Pajero, I would love the chance to revisit.I have a P38 which is pretty standard its got a new set of Pirelli scorpions hopefully it will get around OK (it was mid summer last time ).:)
Darren that's great thanks v much for the info and also the invite. I'd love to join you and look forward to you letting me know about your next meet
Kindest regards
I've replied to you private message with directions - hope you find it and I look forward to hearing how you get on
Kind regards

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