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going out green laning this easter with kids anybody else up for it who knows the llyn pinsuela area would be appreciated i only know of one place to play but there has to be others
hi welcome did,nt know if there was anybody else around this area who wanted to play at easter any one else welcome. still looking gonna try the local council they aparently have a list of available green lanes so hopefully we can plan an expedition will have to find somewhere to meet up and plan
got off work early went down to the council offices got a list of boats open in the gwynedd area only 39 k of them but better than nothing now just got to see if i can plot any of them on the maps i,ve seen so if any body else want to come going to finish the day of with a bar-b so still got space for 2 more to come. need to know how many so i can tell the local council officer and glass representative. I'd rather push a range rover then drive a prius
got off work early went down to the council offices got a list of boats open in the gwynedd area only 39 k of them but better than nothing now just got to see if i can plot any of them on the maps i,ve seen so if any body else want to come going to finish the day of with a bar-b so still got space for 2 more to come. need to know how many so i can tell the local council officer and glass representative. I'd rather push a range rover then drive a prius

There's a hell of a lot more than 39km of lanes in gywnedd. have you inc ORPA's in that list??

Why do you need to inform council/Glass rep???? they're public highways. & you don't need anyones permission to drive them. :confused:
Herts Laners are up in Norf Wales the weekend of the Royal wedding not sure where exactly but wouldn't mind meeting up with some locals for marking up our maps at some point
thanks for the replys boys i thought you had to inform the local rep when you were going out but i'll double check but i know when i checked gywnedd council local byways
report they were claiming only 39k for boats in the area no mention of orpa,s but i do that where i actually live they seem to be bloody hard lined about 4x4 and seem to keep they boat lanes a big secret and not mark them if they can help it i have only found one and the land owner was very firm about bugger off whilest stroaking his shot gun when asked him what the gun was for he said to get rid of his vermin problem so i reversed up and bugger'd off. so thought i would just double check before going out this time mark and check my routes before hand and then check them with the council and glass rep to be sure they were open. as my two boys want to come this time and any one else
but i do that where i actually live they seem to be bloody hard lined about 4x4 and seem to keep they boat lanes a big secret and not mark them if they can help it i have only found one and the land owner was very firm about bugger off whilest stroaking his shot gun when asked him what the gun was for he said to get rid of his vermin problem so i reversed up and bugger'd off. so thought i would just double check before going out this time mark and check my routes before hand and then check them with the council and glass rep to be sure they were open. as my two boys want to come this time and any one else

We're living in a very close knit area that is predominately welsh speaking, if they don't like your accent or your lack of flat cap then they'll give you grief for it (believe me I've put up with it for years) even though I was born & raised around here & can speak welsh!

Let us know how you get on though as I might tag along next time if that's ok (wife's knackered her back and is immobile at the moment so I'm playing gopher :doh:).
thanks for the post Dewin we'll let you know how we get on. know what you mean about close knit. not a bad thing in some ways but used to have family down here until
my grandmother married a lincolnshire farmer but we decided to come back to the family roots and a better quality of life for my two boys who now speak welsh like natives thanks to the langauge school they 're slowly teaching there old man
i should be good for it
m35reo do you know anything about a lane just opposite bwlch yr oerddrws where all the spotters go for photos , i seen a few trail bikes heading over a few fields there just wondered if its a lane or not
yeah matey its right on my door step, trail goes up just before the bwlch, brings you over to upper corris. its an old drovers trail, not much of a challenge by any means but very nice up there.
not sure you were in right area m35reo if this pic loads this is where i mean it runs from bwlch to brithdir

sorry matey, got me bwlch's crossed :) i was on the talylln pass not dinas!!! yeah that one goes off the road at an angle so you need to go up from the dinas directon. fairly mild going, rocky in places and a couple of realy tight gates. you can just get a rangie classic through with an inch to spare. two ways you can come down, straight to brithdir or carry on through the forest and come out in bryncoedifor, lot of low branches last time i went through it but that was 5 years ago :)
sorry not been on for a few days interweb been down if anyone interested in popping a long will be at the pub outside morfa nefyn and nefyn friday its the pub by the roundabout will be there from 7pm onwards just look inthe the beer garden outside as near poss to my old green green rangerover
hello lads not been on for a while internet been down anybody interested in this weekend or next green laning the area meeting up to plot course taken this friday at the bryncanon pub outside nefyn and morfa nefyn on the roundabout at 7pm will be in the play area as my kids will coming mine 4x4 will be the old batterd rangerover classic in the car park
well i,m see if any one wants to meet up the week to go laning i,ve a few with the help of some rally driving friends apprently no ones been down them for the a good few years so if any one wants to meet up in the week let me know for tuesday as thats when im back at work as the interweb down at home

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