
Wondering if there is anybody that is up for showing me a couple lanes around here?

I live in machynlleth and aware that there are a few, happy valley and so on, i THINK i have managed to find two on the map, although not certain.

Would appreciate if anybody is around here and going for a bit of green laning they could show me a couple or even confirm my grid references to the two that i have found.

Thanks guys :)
Send me your grid refs I will check them and send you a few more back. I wouldnt recommend going out with just your vehicle though especially if you are fairly new to it :)
Hi hairycornflake
I live in Aber and go out laning when I can. Give me a shout if you need another vehicle.

Hi, there is a small group of us heading to South\Mid Wales this weekend from Kent. PM me a number if you want to tag along.

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