
New Member
When is green laning legal and when is it not?

How can you tell when a green lane has a vehicle reight of way? Or find green lanes with vehicle rights of way?

You need to join a club, or at least GLASS, the Green Lane ASSociation, as it can be a bit of a minefield with RUPPS, BOATS, TRO orders and councils changing things by the minute! A club with a green lane officer in it usually has thier fingers on the pulse of what they can or cannot do.
RUPPS, BOATS, TRO? What do all these\abbreviations mean?

Was looking at glass earlier!
RUPP = Road Used as Public Path
BOAT = Byway Open to All Traffic
ORPA = Other Route with Public Access
UCR = Unclassified Road
TRO = Temporary Restriction Order

Although the above just tells you what abbreviations mean, its usually a good idea to check with Wayfinder (GLASS website). This will tell you information about lanes, TROs, obstruction, objections, etc. The OS maps don't always look clear even though there is a key to the above abbreviations (not for TROs).
Need any more info, the best place to look is GLASS.
If you're close to Gloucestershire, we'd be happy to take you round the lanes:)
ladyfreebie said:
RUPP = Road Used as Public Path
BOAT = Byway Open to All Traffic
ORPA = Other Route with Public Access
UCR = Unclassified Road
TRO = Temporary Restriction Order

Byway open to all traffic: Legal term for a recreational route with vehicular rights, which is marked on the Definitive map.
ORPA = Other route with public access (don't think they exsist anymore.
UCR: Unclassified County Road.
Unclassified County Road: A road recorded (on the List of Streets) by the Highway Authority as `maintainable at public expense', and normally having vehicular rights. Such roads are sometimes not tarred, and then are not always marked on Definitive or OS maps. Properly speaking the term is obsolete, and the term Unclassified Road should be preferred. Classified roads are the familiar A and B roads.
TRO: Traffic Regulation Order, which can restrict any class of traffic on any route, for up to three months, or permanently. TROs must be signed clearly so that users know. The sign for no motor vehicles shows a BSA A10 motorcycle flying over a Ford Prefect of the same era, in a red ring. A plain red ring means no vehicles at all.

If you really want to know more just ask.
You could try looking at the TRF website. www.trf.org.uk for some very good information. After all there in the same boat :) as us just with 2 less wheels. Go on they won't bite. there not hooligans, they are however fighting this NERC bill. :cool:

Hi ajb, myself and some of the chaps go and have a look at the definative map round at the local council offices before we embark on owt lanewise. Even when its on our own doorstep here in Derbyshire. You never know if anything has altered regarding rights of way so always check your route out before you go. If your'e unsure leave it. Not so long back we experienced some flack from local residents because some boneheads churned up part of the Midshires way, I quite rightly lent my support to the concerned residents and politely asked 4x4 drivers and dirt riders via the local paper to leave the Midshires way alone. Its good politics.
There are plenty of lanes about but beware of the Ramblers who will take an instant dislike to you and yer Landy. They can be bloody hard work.

Regards WP
As Wesley et al basically say, it's a bloody minefield........not literally, over here at least! & as Gaspode says: Try to find a local club, at least to start with. Local knowledge & local experience can really help you avoid falling foul of nearby residents, tree hugging misguided ramblers & the like & politically it is a good thing.

Personally speaking, it's often more fun to go out laning with a couple of others too & clubs are a really good way of finding other strange, weirdo/idiots! Nothing personal, but hey, we must be!
Total Rubbish !!! You do not need to be a member of any organisation to go green laning !!! You just have to make sure the area you want to use has vehicle rights, isn't on a military no go zone (ie some of Thetford forest) isn't a nature reserve (some of the tracks around Norfolk Broads)

Otherwise you're free to go off on your own. The only reason these organisation say "you must join us first" is because like Country and Western lovers who are affraid that the government is considering banning immitation guns. These green laning organisations are affraid the government is going to remove their rights of passage and access!! No other reason.

thats correct. you dont need to belong to a green lane club to go out there. but its just common sense to join your local club, or at least ask the local green laners about the area.
we dont want anyone making mistakes and tarring us all with the same brush.
besides its much safer to go in a small convoy rather than alone. at least a pr of you seems sensible. not just re breakdowns/stuck but a confrontation on your own can be a problem, even dangerous.

take some butties/flask and enjoy yourself. its supposed to be fun!
I recently got my Landy 90 road legal and found a local guy who does extreme offroading. He showed me some local green lanes on my doorstep which I now use to get to and from work (Makes commuting a little more fun) and also introduced me to the owner of a local disued mine that has been turned into an extreme offroad play ground.

Since I have started using the local lanes I have now met a few other people (Dog walkers, riders, joggers etc) on these lanes and we enjoy the lanes.

Regular use of local lanes can also be good for green lanes. and shows the locals that we can all enjoy them without fighting each other.

Get out there and enjoy them.
must be looking in rong places , not found what I call local clubs out there. Just one that open with £25 membership then we will tell you what we might have on.
sorry but were i came from a club was couple of quid membership plus "subs"on the night , first couple of meets free. Like minded people sat round over couple of beers and plan next outing etc.
Seems to be bit of snobery going on, there all land rovers regardless of year and model
but some seem to think "oh"you only got a ****** when you getting a real one like mine, my answer to them is s*d off and get a life. ANYWAY have some fun and enjoy
Seems to be bit of snobery going on, there all land rovers regardless of year and model
but some seem to think "oh"you only got a ****** when you getting a real one like mine, my answer to them is s*d off and get a life. ANYWAY have some fun and enjoy
Oh look another exhumed thread.:rolleyes:

Sounds about right though - there's some inverted snobbery than goes on out there. Factory std vehicles are capable on green lanes, no need for stilts, scaffolding, tractor tyres, chimneys and orange paint jobs.
Oh look another exhumed thread.:rolleyes:

Sounds about right though - there's some inverted snobbery than goes on out there. Factory std vehicles are capable on green lanes, no need for stilts, scaffolding, tractor tyres, chimneys and orange paint jobs.

I agree there, My standard discovery went everywhere that all the so called Off Road spec machines went last winter.

I did struggle in the pits a bit when the ground dried up though... :D

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