
New Member
new to 4x4. bought os landranger 119 110 trying to find some lanes to drive on ...... 4 hrs of trying to understand the maps:confused: and one small offroad route later:D drove home.....:mad:
is there a club i can join in the south yorkshire area
any advice for a newbie would be super cheers ppl
Maps is easy ;)

Anything with a green +++ sort of mark and you can drive on it providing there are no signs to the contrary on the ground when you get there (ground doesn't mean floor/dirt/mud etc, it means on the entrance to or general viciniy of the byway)

Anything else marked on the map, i.e --- footpath, — — — bridleway or ┬ ┴ ┬ restricted byway you can't drive on.

Your local council will have a Rights of Way Officer or team - ring them and ask if you're in any doubt about your right to drive a particular route.

Last point, best not to drive lanes alone unless you're seriously well equiped and/or very experienced. If you get stuck, the AA won't come to help unless you're on the designated road network or a surfaced road.

Last point, best not to drive lanes alone unless you're seriously well equiped and/or very experienced. If you get stuck, the AA won't come to help unless you're on the designated road network or a surfaced road.
Yeah wot he sez but twice.

Theres a few in Lincolnshire round Market Rasen they've been done in one of the magazines.

There not everyones cup of tea but GLASS is a good place to start.
at the moment poorly equiped including the type of vehicle:(
on landranger maps 110 119 are there any +++++++++ that i could try grid refrence ???? is there anybody at weekend travelling a +++++++that we could tag onto
sorry to sound thick:eek:
oh yeah anything i need apart from a landrover......thats next
good magazines????
oh yeah anything i need apart from a landrover......thats next
Strops, Shackles, decent jate rings though I've always managed with the existing ringy things, Hi lift jack and base, mobile phone, mobile phone signal, toolkit, Big sheet of polythene to lay on when you're climbing around underneath it, large container of water and a hand brush to clean the lights and windows when you get back on the road, tea and biscuits, two other vehicle to go with you. Thats just of the top of my head, sure theres loads more.
biggest problem nobody to go with till m8 gets his landrover going for a little ramble saturday if i can find a +++++++ on the maps
dont go on ya own. if yu get stuck - yu is err stuck! always two and betta if three, so if there is a major cock up, one can stay while the turd goes fur help.
Hi guys,

I am up for a drive over most weekends, with a standard classic with muddies and standard recovery straps etc.

Drop me a line if you need a 2nd or 3rd vehicle. I am at Leeds.

I will pm you Bernard on my contact no.


I know of a great set of green lanes that go from Market weighton to Bridlington. If ya want the details Pm me.
Hi there,
Was wondering if you could let me have the market weighton to bridlington green lanes route, was trying to get them from back issue of total off roading but not available.
i'm in huddersfield (between leeds and manc) if i'm still new to this whole thing, i've just bought a standard disco and i'm gonna put some AT tyres on it. so would like to get down to a bit more laning :)
There are a few of us having a weekends laning in Yorkshire on the 7th-8th August:D

You have PM bernard 1971;)
I live in barnsley and am going this sunday for a wonder round hope valley area so if n e one wants to join me and the doris you is welcome just let us know.
Hey all. I'm pretty much a newbie and would be up for it. I'm in Sheffield. Let me know if i can tag along.

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