Cheers Grim. Will post pics from there if the pub wifi is up to it. TT fortnight should be done at least once in anyones life who has the remotest interest in any type of motorsport. Nothing compares!

I'll have to plan a trip to the TT sometime then. I'd like to do it on the bike, but may wait til I upgrade the Fazer to something bigger......maybe a Blackbird or either a Kwak ZZR1100 or 1400.
Will look forward to your photos.
I know this is an old thread now but does anybody on here know if ufton/ hunningham is open i found a temporary closure notice on the warwickshire website but it is 2 years old and says it is only closed to over 3 tonne vehicles due to weak bridge. Anyway i was down there today and there were a few bikers coming out so i asked them they said its all open but would be a bit tight for me. I went for it staying on piste as i was on my road wheels and havnt taken my front valance off. It was tight but i was comfortable with the light bodywork scratches. It was great fun i loved it. Bumped into a couple of people on foot who were very polite as were the bikers. Which only leads me to believe it is open. Anyone shed some light?
I'd have to say, I've not seen any fresh closures on it. Not been down it for a couple of months, but I usually see what conditions are like before I go.
I would say though, regardless of which wheels/tyres you have on, you should stay on piste anyway, otherwise you just add fuel to the anti's fire. Also worth noting, and I don't know if this really happens, but the farmer has signs up stating anyone seen causing damage will be reported. May just be a little something to scare people, but I personally don't think its worth the risk.

If you fancy it, there's a rather interesting lane near Wellesbourne, we could always try and get a decent route sorted and make a day of it?
When n where?

At the moment, Tommy and I have suggested doing some local lanes around Warwickshire. I've not had a chance to look up any other lanes (busy looking at houses and sorting a mortgage), but I think the plan is to try and plan a day/weekend within the next couple of weeks.
Available most Sundays. Got a couple of runs around Warwickshire area to do, or could follow you guys. Give us a shout when you are ready. Off to Herefordshire this weekend.
Hey guys, I have just brought a 56 plate Discovery 3. I live in Kings Norton (south Birmingham) and would be up for some lanes with you guys if possible. I am new to the Land Rover family but have driven old series around farms in the past.
Welcome Rob.
Funnily enough, we're in the throws of planning a day out on the lanes.

Jacobscreek, I reckon if we do one of the routes you already have, that may be a good idea. I'm free pretty much most weekends now, so I guess when ever you're free and also Tom. Then if Rob fancies joining us, we've got four trucks.
Robh you are picking it up for the first time Friday then Sunday you're gonna chuck it up scratchy lanes? Are you sure about that mate?
I know this is an old thread now but does anybody on here know if ufton/ hunningham is open i found a temporary closure notice on the warwickshire website but it is 2 years old and says it is only closed to over 3 tonne vehicles due to weak bridge. Anyway i was down there today and there were a few bikers coming out so i asked them they said its all open but would be a bit tight for me. I went for it staying on piste as i was on my road wheels and havnt taken my front valance off. It was tight but i was comfortable with the light bodywork scratches. It was great fun i loved it. Bumped into a couple of people on foot who were very polite as were the bikers. Which only leads me to believe it is open. Anyone shed some light?

I hate to sound like a kill joy but there's a huge problem here- here was a lane that you were unsure about whether there was a TRO in place and your solution was to drive down it and speak to some bikers ( who's knowlege of the legal status of the lane you had no idea about ) . Just imagine if they had given you wrong info because they hadn't got the first clue about closures or they just didn't care. You would have been there in all your glory driving illegally down a byway and just digging the grave of laning just that bit deeper for any passing antis.

If youre in doubt or just don't know ,then do some research- the GLASS reps for Warwickshire is a member here on LZ or ring the local council's ROW officer and check the status - just don't drive it a hope

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