I was recovering a disco when a huge tree suddenly grew from a seadling in a nano second and attacked my poor little 90.

Ouch. How not to cross the step on Happy Valley. Nobody on here I hope. Apparently driver was unhurt.


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Just watched a Parjero pull a disco out of a rut. A sad sad day for Landrover. The driver of the disco will remain anonymous. Deasy your fired. :puke2:
Just watched a Parjero pull a disco out of a rut. A sad sad day for Landrover. The driver of the disco will remain anonymous. Deasy your fired. :puke2:

Yes, and you had the option of pulling me out but point blank refused. :eek: some mate you are!

He did in the process get stuck himself, and have to switch his engine off and wait for his transfer box to cool down

If only you had gone first then I wouldn't have got stuck :D
Morning peeps, there is a nice lane in meridenwhich has a fallen tree, anyone fancy help clearing the lane ?

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