Hope you had a good nite any piccys..how deep was the ford ?
also i hope you wore nice and tidy clothes...its a nice area around there..
cheers stuart..
I'm all told off now. :(

No not at all mate, that wasnt my intention at all. :( sorry if i sounded like a dick. that wasnt the idea mate, i had, had a few beers so may not have written that if i was sober. :lol: :eek:

Like matt said, just something we have all learnt and that is that we(the sensible laners) have to protect the lanes we do have at the moment.

Did matt take you along strata the otherday in wales? its very evident up there what the morons do.

Like i said bud, no offence intended. :eek::)
Its a H Plate 90 Defender with a Disco 300 tdi conversion, good doors ( which is rare ). Ive got newly trimmed seats ready to go in, it needs a repsray which I was going to get done and still could if someone wants it finished, Ive got a set of Alloys for it, and the rear cross member has just been replaced. House sale is the reason its gotta go. Open to offers over £3750.
Any one up for a trip out this Weds eve? Meet about half 6.. maybe do the lanes round Aston Cantlow and Wellesbourne...


On a more serious note some home made devices consisting of metal bars with spikes welded to them have been found in several puddles on a couple of lanes in the Peak District National Park,obviously put there to inflict damage on motor vehicles but one device was found by a horse rider who just happened to spot it in the water.Be aware of this next time you are on the lanes especially if it looks like you are being forced into a puddle by any obstructions at the side of the lane.

On a more serious note some home made devices consisting of metal bars with spikes welded to them have been found in several puddles on a couple of lanes in the Peak District National Park,obviously put there to inflict damage on motor vehicles but one device was found by a horse rider who just happened to spot it in the water.Be aware of this next time you are on the lanes especially if it looks like you are being forced into a puddle by any obstructions at the side of the lane.

That's just evil:(
That is not going to do the bobbles vs horse riders any favours. Looks like the bobbles are quite capable of ****ing everyone off. Great PR that is.
...home made devices consisting of metal bars with spikes welded to them have been found in several puddles on a couple of lanes in the Peak District National Park,obviously put there to inflict damage on motor vehicles ......

Don't these morons realise that the very people who maintain these routes, ALSO traverse along them in National Park Ranger vehicles...and mostly Land Rovers at that??

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