Cheers for sorting the day Patrick , great to do laning and raise money too :)

Thanks Gozzy for leading our group...we may still have been driving round warwickshire if it'd been left to me :D

its ok no worries, was fun leading the convoy:) it was a good turn out for what i thought was going to be only 5 of us
Yep went down em twice fine!rick got cage n scraped the tree so fort here we go manage to get passed at a squese.going back up i knew it was gona be bad lol he goes ul be ok its not that close to the tree wot happened got sandwiched lol had ricky ****ing himself and me with a mirroor hanging off n a nice scratch on door. At least i christened it first time out lol
Hi everyone, finally found my way over! Only took me 3 days!!!! Well I did tel ya I'm not very computer savvy! ! Lol....

So is this a regular thing?? Is anybody going to coffton dassett off rd day on sun 24th I think it is.. had look at some of their videos of the track and I must say I looks cracking, maybe a bit to advanced for a noob like myself but I do love a challange!,

Anyone out this wkend??
Clive, the Warwick trips will be regular with donations to help the Heroes. Keep an eye on this thread.

Cheers mate, wil keep checking in... good idea about the donations, got old school friend in the engineers core so more than happy to chip in... see yiu all soon...c
Ere bods.... Me and Big Si were chattin during the last trip about some of the fly tipping that had been done on the lanes.:mad:

We were thinking of a days laning but going prepared with bags, gloves etc and loading up the vehicles with the rubbish and then rounding off the day at the local tip/recycling placey thing. Anyone fancy it sometime in the future ?
Ere bods.... Me and Big Si were chattin during the last trip about some of the fly tipping that had been done on the lanes.:mad:

We were thinking of a days laning but going prepared with bags, gloves etc and loading up the vehicles with the rubbish and then rounding off the day at the local tip/recycling placey thing. Anyone fancy it sometime in the future ?

get news coverage about it and get permission from tip/recycle place or you could get charged for picking up some one else s trash
get news coverage about it and get permission from tip/recycle place or you could get charged for picking up some one else s trash

Good idea to speak to them first- although the blokes in the local tip are good lads who let me sneak in the trade entrance FOC coz I can't fit under the height restriction for the public entrance
100 % , great idea, maybe even bring some thick gloves and investiagte what tosser did it and return it to its rightfull home !
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Good idea to speak to them first- although the blokes in the local tip are good lads who let me sneak in the trade entrance FOC coz I can't fit under the height restriction for the public entrance

1 or 2 old bags is not a problem, but if you come with a ton or so of trash could be
100 % , great idea, maybe even bring some glovesd and investiagte what tosser did it and return it to its rightfull home !

take pictures of bag and info give to cops and news papers to print who the fly tippers are and then send them a bill for taking care of there trash and then donate the money to charity
I'll speak to the tip guys tomorrow and get it fixed up that theyre ok if we pitch up with 5 4x4 loads of rubbish

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