Yeah I know we're you mean, how far away are you from the lanes? Yeah I will defo keep a look out, what have the police and farmer said

I live in Alcester and literally a mile from Green lane. I had a PM on Facebook last night from a friend who walks his Rottweiler up there. He is good friends with the farmer and the two were chatting about it when the farmer informed him that he had got the police involved and what they plan to do. My mate, knowing that I'm a Landy driver was asking me if I drove up there and if I do keep a look out for the Police etc. I informed him that I am a member of GLASS and that everyone that I know are responsible drivers and would do whatever is in our powers to stop the lanes being destroyed. I wanted to relay to the farmer that not everyone that drives the lanes are the bad boys. ;)
I live in studley and can confirm that it's getting bad.

Don't know what we can do about these fools... :(
Well maybe one night we could meet up with the farmer and whoever and talk about how we are going to stop this as I don't want these lanes being closes due to assholes, maybe we could help the farmer mover tree trunks or an obstruction in the way so they can't do it?
Well maybe one night we could meet up with the farmer and whoever and talk about how we are going to stop this as I don't want these lanes being closes due to assholes, maybe we could help the farmer mover tree trunks or an obstruction in the way so they can't do it?

I think the tree trunks thing has already been done mate ... they just tow them out of the way. Just looked back at my PM from my mate and he says that they have also been cutting through fences to get into the fields ... so sad. I know the farmer has already got the police involved and shown them round ... the police have then told him what they are prepared to do. I have relayed a message from us that we will do what we can if any help is needed but I think we may just need to be extra vigilant for a while and if any of us see police activity then it will be worth stopping for a chat and explaining our side of things ... let's keep each other informed of anything on here for starters and see what happens.
I think the tree trunks thing has already been done mate ... they just tow them out of the way. Just looked back at my PM from my mate and he says that they have also been cutting through fences to get into the fields ... so sad. I know the farmer has already got the police involved and shown them round ... the police have then told him what they are prepared to do. I have relayed a message from us that we will do what we can if any help is needed but I think we may just need to be extra vigilant for a while and if any of us see police activity then it will be worth stopping for a chat and explaining our side of things ... let's keep each other informed of anything on here for starters and see what happens.

Seriously how desperate are they? I feel sorry for the farmer, I am willing to do my bit to help, but I am only 20 so if I stop and talk to the police are they Lilly to believe me? I wouldn't of thought so to be honest, but I will try my best, I have seen these camera about u can get that u can strap to tree and and record video day and night, is that worth doing? But it might be expensive I don't know how bad the extent of the damage to his farm is
Seriously how desperate are they? I feel sorry for the farmer, I am willing to do my bit to help, but I am only 20 so if I stop and talk to the police are they Lilly to believe me? I wouldn't of thought so to be honest, but I will try my best, I have seen these camera about u can get that u can strap to tree and and record video day and night, is that worth doing? But it might be expensive I don't know how bad the extent of the damage to his farm is

Not sure what the damage to his farm land is at the moment but he's obviously getting nervous as they are vandalising more and more every time they go and trespass there. I think the police cameras will be hidden surveillance ones that will record time lapse style and capture reg plates of anyone going where they shouldn't. Obviously we only drive on the lane itself and so can't get in to trouble but unfortunately we'll probably get tarnished with the same brush just for obeying the law. All I would say is that if any of us drive it just make we have a camera ready to shoot if we see anything.
Cheers Gozzy.
I would imagine once a couple of people have been caught and the book thrown at them word get round. If I were him I would drop big boulders in their path and earth bank between
Hello :)

1st: To kipper, Deasy, Psulli the site looks ace, i hope its going to be open after xmas as id like a little go??? :D

2nd: The situation with the lanes near Andy Land, are you on about the one near the ford in coughton? Arden and stoat? The one just after coughton ford has been a mess at the top for a while, i have seen morons in the past trying to get up on the bank by the ford and ripping it up!

As always the behaviour of these ****s really boils my ****! The more we can do the better, i will be offering my help etc, in any way when iam back from work after xmas.

Keep up the good work gents. :)
Without taking anything away from the current discussion;

Kipper - wherever that was looks absolutely brilliant - I'd love to pay a visit (perhaps with Ginger?)

now, slightly back on track;

Derbyshire on 26th December, and Wales 27th

Big Ginger Groupie
Andy Land (27th only if that's ok?)

Wales -12/13 Jan overnight

Funky Kipper
Big Ginger Roadie
We spent the weekend making it fit for purpose and yes it is a lot of fun.

Loads more pictures to come and very soon we hope to start arranging pay n play days.
Derbyshire on 26th December, and Wales 27th

Big Ginger Groupie
Andy Land (27th only if that's ok?)

Wales -12/13 Jan overnight

Funky Kipper
Big Ginger Roadie

Getting a bit realistic here- am pulling out of first trip- going to struggle with distance/fuel for two big trips in one paypacket (esp at Xmas) and also with babysitters. :(
Last edited:
Sorry peeps, might be away on a sunny trip instead.

Big Ginger Groupie
Andy Land (27th only if that's ok?)
Big Ginger Groupie
Andy Land (27th only if that's ok?)
Defender89 (27th only please)

Somebody seems to have missed Dan (Defender89) off so re-pasted above.

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