Just popped over to twycross, Is forgot how good those lanes are, met a few CHAVS though, onon a trail bike, shorts T shirt no gloves etc etc and an idiot in a Shogun who made alton towers look calm !!!

Should've dropped by, mate.
Twycross is only up the road from here.
Think that Patrice may have competition for use of the 90 next laning trip :D

Go Jas :)
Sorry Mark I should have called. And yes I have let her who must be obeyed drive the 90. Oh what have I done !!!!!!
So Wednesday's trip were are we going ufton and a few others around there maybe a few new ones? What's everyone think?
So who is out tonight ?
1) Psulli16
2) Mrs Dasiy
3) 110W and brood :eek:

So not content with getting stuck in the dark on your own last time your now going to make your off spring suffer too? :lol: :D

Good idea, i like your thinking. :D

Have fun all. :)
Glad to say no one was stuck this time, a bit late home due to being tempted to do upton in the dark , but all well. PHEW
[smile]There is a severe lack of pictures on this thread[/smile]

Is this one good enough? From last nights night laning :D

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