
Hi everyone - I am new to the forum. I've owned a 1998 Range Rover P38 2.5 diesel for about a month and would like to try some gentle green laning.

In the August edition of "Landrover Owner International" there is a guide to 11 lanes around the Buxton area. I would love to take a look but not alone. Just wondering if anyone is interested in meeting up? Was thinking perhaps Sunday August 14th?

Thanks, Justyn.
Don't know if you've had any joy but take a look at the Derbyshire laning thread if they've got anything planned, if not message Ian as he seems the font of all knowledge when it comes to lanes in the area
Thanks for the reply. The Derbyshire Laning thread hasn't been updated since Dec 2014 (unless I am looking at the wrong one)

I've since found out a friend's son is into Landrovers and also interested in green laning so might be meeting up with him soon. If we decide to do anything I will post it here so if there are one or two more people who fancy joining in they are welcome to tag along.
If i get meself a landy I'd be up for a spot of laning as I'm just south of bakewell but not having much luck currently in finding a decent one or getting rid of me mondeo!! lol

If you search though that thread you'll probably find other lanes around the area that are driveable with the locations

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