Need help selling my tray back range rover, any suggestions please guys?
don't fancy Ebay as had lots of issues last time

Post it on for sale section here or other 4x4 sites. 4x4 web has a good forsale section as well. Least you will get people looking to buy.
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I'm selling due to cash flow. Its a lot to tax & insure for very little play time.
thanks for the tips guys
the v8 is now a 300tdi, it runs like a dream and was used as my wedding car on saturday. when i get the photos back i will post some of the car dressed up
Wedding is done and dusted so my car can be messed up again, munka needs a hand to get his fixed and we will be back out on the road
Don't know if the pictures will come out but here is a Landy wedding
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375437903.113636.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375437920.784662.jpg and after ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375437952.193734.jpg
congrats on the wedding mate, car looks good, excellent cake as well!!

Got my MOT booked for tomorrow, all insured again and will get tax MOT pending.
all going well could be out next weekend...

what help does Munka need?
Anyone got a memory map route over ely way. Few of us from hertfordshire lanes going up sunday. Any of you out.
Been a while since I popped into this thread. Anyone else in the area still laning? I'm using the Range Rover as a daily driver now and won't be too bad on the lanes I reckon. Running out of little lanes round my way to if someone who knows the area is keen to come out?
ive been off the road for a long time, ive changed my v8 to a 300tdi changed the gearbox (twice) and now its all working again. I need to sort out a laning day again

i think i will go out next month if your up for it?
Certainly up for that :)

Sounds like you have had fun with gearboxes then! I still have the Series 2a which currently prepping up for the next big trip. The Celica GT4 is off the road for a respray so running about in the Range Rover V8...costs a fair bit in fuel!

looks good though!

my landy was a V8 and only getting 8mpg, i want to take it to africa one day so ive changed the engine to a 300tdi and a r380 'box, trouble was the box broke within a month. the total now is 3 engines (origional, replacement V8 and 300) 4 gearboxes!

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