Hi pal, I dont think Ill be at tixova, just a bit tight for cash this month for xmas and all maybe going on 28th i think?

I also have problem getting to tixova with my stuff as I need my friend to take my MT wheels on his trailer (they get ruined driving on rd) so I have to drive on one set on rd and switch them over at the site my MT's are 33"x12.5"x15 so to big to fit in my little SJ lol.... I think Im going to sell them to buy some slightly smaller in width...I got some smaa ATs to drive around on..

I would be liek to meet up with you all at some point, no doubt I have already met you if you been to tixova and yarwell, 3hole as im their oretty often with my friend with their cust V8' Ray and peter? if you know them
Hi SJDeano...I see you made it over here then :). Yeah 33" is way to big for a little SJ in my opinon, had them on mine, felt like it could barely move!

Effectively green lanes are public roads, so as long as your vehicle is legal/MOT/insured/tax etc then it is not a problem. In theory your ATs should get you most places on green lanes :). Would anyone here opposed to an SJ coming along on one of the meets? I donthave a problem with it, but I am not the person doing the organising so not really the one to say!
in wisbeach, ist not a bad play site, very muddy and slippery with some tricky areas.... a bloke owns it and changes it every so often... haven't been there in a few month.....
in not sure they will go this weeekend as peters girlfriend is in labour..... but they plan on going on the 28th I think... I will post the place a soon as I know...
hi all, just spoke to my mate, peter... I think he is going with his dad this weekend so you may see him there, not to sure if I will go yet but otherwise if I dont take my sj I will just tag along woth them.... look out for the range rover V8... custom... its going down on trailer pulled by a green rangie.... so if you see us say hello....
no worries SJ, You wont miss my Range Rover either. as long as i can fix my engine this saturday I'll be there. you dont know any good mechanics do you?
Yeah, Ray.....peters dad...
he will be at tixova this sunday but Im unsure if he will help as he has a bad back and therefore limited as to what he can do... but he really knows his stuff with landrovers....but maybe if you ask he can offer some help and advice?
hey guys hows it goin?, hows the box goin rusty?. right i think we're on for laning on sun 5th jus depends on lr110, this is a challenging lane so ive planed a trip for the new guys for sun 12th let me no who wants ta go. hows your truck kev yet more probs?.
need my landy fixed, they are so slow at parkingsons. i had to take the motorbike to work today!!
Thought i replied bbut cant fnd it oh well. Not had a chance to sorrt out the box, the last few weekends been working in the damn cold fixing the Astra. Pretty much: poke, cut, weld, paint, poke, cut, weld, paint routine!
Not had the landie for a while so been missing the lanes. So what better day than christmas eve to take the family out in the "family car" on a few mild lanes :)



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