I will be taking the Series. The brakes...well I know for certain that one of the rear cylinders is shot (they were cheap ones, didn't think they would last)...so I have bought complete rear system...will throw that on, go through the usual bleed-the-sysetm-fun and hopfeully all will be sorted :)
im fine broke bank balance though, my bikes mot/tax/insurace and baby funds have ruined me this month, and its still too many days till payday
I have been tinkering...replaced my rear brakes for the second time in a few years, has made a huge difference...will always use genuine cylinders from now on. Fronts need to be done at some point. I think I could do with 2 new sets of tyres as well.
no idea for the cage but are you going to keep pictures of your build on here, or will we have to wait till you take it out?
The easiest way if you use photobucket is to look below and to the left of the photo, sized as you like, to the box titled "Share this image".

If you then move the mouse over and left click on the lowest box marked IMG Code, it automatcally copies a correctly formatted link to your clipboard, so you then go to the post you're editing, right click the mouse and paste .. job done! No need to mess with the icons or anything.

See pic below .. look at where the yellow box is with 'copied' text to the left of it it ... ;);)

LOL, you did it wrong again ... ;)

My way works only when you use Photobucket, maybe others too that I don't know about .. ;)

OK, so whatever online photo package you use, you should be able to right click and see the option "Copy Image Location" or similar, so click on that. Then Look at the Landyzone Quick Reply box directly below the text .. From the left you need to click the 7th icon .. hover the mouse over it and it says "Insert Image" ... the first part HTML shouls already be highlighted, so right click this and paste the image URL into it, click OK, and Post Quick Reply ... Should work on any online photostore.

You need to take the spaces out of the URL ..... ;)

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