introduction - Done.
Meanwhile back at the Bat Cave........
Good turnout today. Could have been a little warmer with a little less wind, but hay ho.
Hi All,

I have posted some more pics from today in my album but seem to be having problems getting a post with the link on it - btw I am Tapped's co pilot and general ballast - Jim
Hehe, you could say that!

For camera geeks, a gif using the D2H 8 frames per second on a 35 shot burst:

Thanks for the pics. I trust the beer went down ok. I'll attempt to make it for the full session next time.
ps. When is likely to be the next time?
Has anyone tried over towards Rutland, where there are hills as well??
Sounds like a good day out, shame i couldnt make it.
Whens the next greenlane session going to happen??
Also is anyone intrested in buying 2x SIII very cheap
Got 2 to make 1 good one really. Pretty rough but seen worse best thing to do is come over and look, will post pics . Looking for £400 the pair
not for a little bit, still spending a small fortune getting my bike back on the road :) then its back to breaking my landy
Mine isn't going anywhere at the moment until I get round to fixing the brakes. And I have a puncture. By the time I fix those it will be time to head to Morocco!
good luck rusty, which vehicle are you taking? whats wrong with the brakes, and do you want a hand?

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