Well. It was nice to meet you all, annoyed that i had to bail early, just as well i did, Got to the other side of Chatteris and had to stop to remove the front prop. One of the UJ's is fooked, job for tomorrow.

Hope you all had a good rest of the day and made it to Thetford with no other hickups. Shall upload the photo's i took later on, (probly befor you get back) for your viewing pleasure.
Here are some Photo's.








One of the Local farmers had 'leveled' One of the lanes, It had actually made it a damnd site worse than it was before, had made it very soft, but you didn't notice till it was too late.
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I made it home safe.
Munka had prob on the last lane in the when his wheel fell off . But it was soon sorted. We decided to call it a day after that.
But had an great day with good people. Will deffo go again.
Good thing you bailed out when you did then!

Thanks guys, had a great time today. Hopefully I didn't slow you down too much!

Nice to meet you all :)
hey guys i got home safe aswell no more wheels fallin off, cheers for yestarday was good day, will have ta plan another route out that way an hopefully do more lanes in thetford. ill put some pics up later.
Cheers lr110 :)

Glad you got home safely...bit of an "Oh ****" moment I am sure! I am sure you don't need more pictures of said wheel fallen off so I will leave those off!
looks like you guys had a good time, gutted I never came out.
What happened to your wheel Munka?
Good picks Rusty.
When is the next meet?
yeah it was deff 1 of thoes moments lucky there werent much damage, if you got any pics of it post em cuz i cant find cable for mi camara, an it give somin for people ta laugh at. has anyone got any pics of rusty's series when he had his oh f*** moment?.
LOL...would be good if someone does have a pic at that angle. I wasn't even trying to do anything brave...I was taking the easy way and trying to straddle the big ruts rather than going through...until I slid into it by mistake...was quite a sudden stop!

A pic for you B3ker :)


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