Does anyone know any good green laning routes around Diss/Bury/Thetford/Suffolk?

I've been looking on a OS map - looks like the MOD have nicked all the best sites!

Hill and holes is out near Barnack, I might check that out tomorrow if im in the area with work, might go out after if im not.

I'm up for tixover on the 2nd.

You still meeting at the Botolph Arms?

You might be able to guess, ive read the thread before, only just joined though.
not sure where we'll meet, The services on the A1 will be better.
Hopefully there will be a few of us going.
Dan, are you at Tixover tomorrow?

Does anyone else know when they will be out laning again yet? Me and my friend in his series will probably come out for a trundle.

We will be at Tixover tomorrow, anyone else going, look for a green disco and a blue 109 :D
pure hillman imp. I wont be at tixover no. Are you freinds with chris youles? worked/wokes at halfords. Dan
the lanes in sawtry are good, been loads now and with all the rain they are getting better, let me know if you guys wanna come out
hello boys hows things?aint been around for a while,you sorted a club meet out yet?i see the clan is slowly growing:D
theres one that goes from kings dyke to whittelsey along river , easy but deep ruts, also one from peakirk to crowland very easy but quitelong , give me a shout if you want to meet up sum time im peterborough

Just beware of the cattle grazing near the Peakirk end and do make sure that if the gates are shut you leave them that way after you have been through PLEASE!
evening all im driving mine to paris this saturday back in a week then im up for getting it muddy , i let you all now
Morning all,
is anyone up for going out one night this week, either laning or just to the pub so I can get to know the local landy lot?

How was your trip to Paris gas, you go in the 90?


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