
New Member
Hi there i have just bought my first landrover and am itching to go off road but would love some company incase i need a tow. So if anyone does this around Kent (Ashford) and would not mind a tag along could you let me know.

Us TOSSERS are due a ramble in Kent next month some time - date still to be agreed (as is the exact route).

Might need to split into 2 groups at this rate or we'll be way over the max group size for a lane.

Have a look further down the forum and you'll see something about it there.

Yip, the TOSSERs have still got a Kent ramble planned fer Sept'.

Oi, Adz, have you got a day pass fer Salisbury?
Sounds good i will keep an eye for the date cant wait to get my tyres muddy. I have a standard td5 discovery will it coupe okay?
Sounds good i will keep an eye for the date cant wait to get my tyres muddy. I have a standard td5 discovery will it coupe okay?

Disco2 should cope with anything we're likely to come across - there's not a huge amount of mud or standing water about, so even on road pattern tyres I doubt there's much that it'll find tricky.

Some of the lanes are a bit 'scratchy' - so depending on how shiney you like your paintwork ill depend on how much time you'll ned to spend T-cutting it afterwards.
There's plenty to keep y'all amused - muddy bits, but not loads of it, some decent sized (over monty's head - silly arse fell in one dint he) wet bits, potholey bits, scratchy bits and 'I hope that big block o' concrete dunt hit me diff' bits. There's even some pickchureskew bits too.

I spose I could go drive it all, video it and post it in here... but then there wunt be a lot of point in y'all coming down would there?
Sorry Nobber - but Adz is organising it - so wot he sez goes - otherwise everyone has their own preferences and nothing gets agreed.

If yu wannna do the way - yu organise a trip and us TOSSERS will gladly keep ya company.:D
i dunt know the way to the way , nor where the way is , so , no way i could find the way to the way all by my self to do the way , no way.
i dunt know the way to the way , nor where the way is , so , no way i could find the way to the way all by my self to do the way , no way.

thats why sum of us lazy stewards let other peeps organize it. But I am sure yu could if yu get a proper map.

have a chat with Adz on the 23rd.
ime in hawkinge and if its not to late,would like to join the ''TOSSERS'' on the kent ramble ..look forward to getting the details ...

ime in hawkinge and if its not to late,would like to join the ''TOSSERS'' on the kent ramble ..look forward to getting the details ...

Originally Posted by Adz
Reet... since I'm away for the next 4 days, so I'll miss the end of the voting (not that there's bin a whole lot - it's free ffs!), I'm gonna make me arbitrary decision now.

Apologies to Sirus, but since both MHM and Marcus can make either date and slob wuz only tekkin the ****, I'm gonna go for the 23rd - fits my schedule a bit better than the 30th.

Anyone who can make the 23rd September and who wants to come, we'll be meeting at a layby just off the last junction of the M26 before it joins the M20.

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Take the A20 North from the Junction 2a roundabout and the layby is approx. 200yds on the left. Time to be arranged by mutual agreement and how long it takes the dibnah to get there (unless clivees is coming and bringing his 2a, in which case however long it takes that to get there).

I reckon we get straight into some lanes and meet those who're already in Kent (Alane, Buttonmonkey et al) for lunch at the Black Horse in Thurnham between 12 and 1pm.

I'll have a chat with Alane in the next week or so to finalise a 2 sets of routes, 1 for morning and 1 for afternoon or vice versa (provided we need more than 1 group) and we can take it from there.

Any problems with the above, drop me a pm or give me a ring.


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