hi there, just stumbled over your messages. just got myself a landy and looking for places/people to go in leeds/bradford area !
hello only know a small but good to start with green lane/ but there is tong on the 11th of december and a place in crosshills i go to just about every sunday lol !!
Yeh, went up to tong but they won't let me in as my tyres are too large and aggressive lol. Just looking for somewhere to play. You say you go out every Sunday?
not heard they say that b4 lol what tyres do u have? yeah just about every sunday where abouts are u from?
just been to hudds tonight doing abit was a laff {need more snow!!} haha u will have to come to crosshills 1 sunday :]
where abouts in Huddersfield can you go, I've been looking around but not found anywhere in Hudds?

Is cross hills an organized jobbie like @ tong, cant find anything online about it other than you tube vids of landyzone members :)
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