
New Member
Hi everyone I'm a neeewbie, i got a 1977 series 3 2 1/4 diesel (a Smoker, at least 40 a day LOL) i've seen many a post about places to go around yorkshire but not many about the Doncaster area. Any ideas or know of a good route pm me. cheers everyone.

im in doncaster too and am searching for some decent green lanes, all bridleways i seem to go down are blocked by farmers!!!

ill post on here soon as i find a decent route.:)
I've posted a few threads of lanes around Doncaster/Maltby/Bawtry etc, search this forum ... ;)

For 'real' green lanes in Doncaster check the council website and download a large pdf called "Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Doncaster"

It was your posts that made me do this one paul, you had some really good info and looks like you have had some good fun around donny but it was an old thread and i thought a new on wouldn't hurt.

I will have a look on the council site today will keep you all posted.
Heh, cheers.

The info is really just the same, though I'm in the process of getting a blocked lane un-blocked ... ;)

To be honest there aren't any really good lanes in and around Doncaster, you have to travel a little first, look towards Retford, Lincoln and Lincolnshire for a few decent ones. My trips covered (I think) almost all the legitimate BOAT's and vehicular rights of way around here. Of course, Derbyshire and the Peaks are close, so is North Yorks both of which have cracking lanes, but also their own issues too .. hence why it's hard to find information. Too few lanes, too many wanting to use them .... ;)
Tell me about it paul, im not looking to do any more than a gentle drive having a standard series 3 that smokes like a trooper i wouldn't fancy trying anything to hard at the moment.
Can't do anything this weekend, but next weekend I could take you round most of them. There's one that keeps getting blocked by a farmer, but not an issue really. Most are a bot overgrown at this time of year, so expect a few scratches!
My mistake always been told bridleways were open to all traffic!

have to look into it more rather than take peoples word for it.

no wonder they were always blocked :doh::doh:

thanks for info
To clarify, anything classified as Footpath, Bridleway, Restricted Byway, Road Used As Public Path cannot be used by a mechanically propelled vehicle.

The only "lanes" that can be used legally, are Byways Open To All Traffic, & Unclassified Roads (UCR's) provided that they do not have any form or TRO (Traffic restriction Order) in place on them. The only way to check is to contact the local council.
Road Used As Public Path cannot be used by a mechanically propelled vehicle.

That is not strictly true. Whilst all Row on Rupps for 4x4's ect were meant to be removed, not all of them have been. To be 100% sure you need to check the definitive council map because some of them still have a Row mechanically propelled vehicle as they have been missed.
To clarify, anything classified as Footpath, Bridleway, Restricted Byway, Road Used As Public Path cannot be used by a mechanically propelled vehicle.

The only "lanes" that can be used legally, are Byways Open To All Traffic, & Unclassified Roads (UCR's) provided that they do not have any form or TRO (Traffic restriction Order) in place on them. The only way to check is to contact the local council.

Not necessarily true. See a new thread I made on green-laning and how I find them ...

You need to check definitive maps as often what were rupps and were meant to be de-classified, got turned into Byways ... admittedly a lot did get restricted status, but not all.
Well I went out today with some help form Paul d, had a top time nothing to hard never even put it in 4x4 not a bad little set of lanes.
Great lanes for a first-timer or for a Freelander 'trying it out' ... :)
Came across two walkers, they where funny with me untill I got my map out and showed them it was ok. Then just like that we were all friends it was clear the lanes were not abused and if anything over grown but well worth the drive.

I think I would like to go back when it's not so dry, hope to find some more tomorrow I will let you know what I find.
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Unexpectedly had three hours spare today, so did some more overgrown lanes and checked out a few possibilities from the map ...

Found a little belter of a lane that hasn't been driven in years, the A1 cut it off in it's prime and no-one's driven it since, I think!

Did a ford too, not deep, only about a foot or so, but gravel up-slope was tricky ... ;)




This one annoys me ... bloody fly-tipping on one of the best-looking and longest lanes around here! Makes my blood boil, 'cos it's this ****e that's getting used as excuses to block/TRO/screw-up good lanes we should all be able to use. I'd love to catch the b'stards in the act!!. email sent to relevant council!




This is the one that I don't think has been driven for years. Just to the left is a house, and where the trail ends is the extent it's been used .. beyond it was mostly virgin trail!! ;)



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