
New Member
Hi there,

Is there any recommended green lanes in or near Cambridge?

In fact is there any websites that show all green lanes? Or where can I get information for good off roding sites?


The county has a lot of lanes, but quite a few are currently closed especially around Little Downham/Aldreth/Coveney, opening up hopefully end of the month.

Get a few Landranger or Explorer maps. Memory Map is better still.
Or join the local (reasonably active) GLASS group and you can get access to the WayFinder database.
Beds, Herts and Cambridge Land Rover Club obviously cover the area and go laning much further afield.

The lanes are on the councils online GIS but it's just crap and their TRO info is just as bad.

I haven't tried any local Pay n Play site as yet, but from what I've heard Tixover (@Peterborough'ish good), Wild Tracks (@Red Lodge poor), Bures (@Bures closed to PnP?), Devils Pit (@Barton-Le-Clay extreme?) and 3 something/holes? (@Wisbech no idea)

Drop me a PM with your mail addy.
I'd get Explorer maps. They're 1:25000, Landranger's are only 1:50000. Byways are marked in green, not red on them i.e ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Jest find they're a lot easier to plan routes on. ;)
Ok, do you mean ones like this?

Elstead Maps (UK) Ltd

Aye, but why not jest pop into yer local WH Smiffs, they've usually got a fair stock, 'spesh yer local uns...................& you can have a nose at them furst...........if there's bugger all by-ways, dunt buy 'em. ;)

Have a good read of Green Lane Association Ltd. - Home If you int already. Follow the code of conduct & you won't go far wrong. :D

Oh, Explorers are the orange wuns, not the pinky red 'uns.
or ask our resident Pikey, if by some small chance, yu shud cross his palm with silver, could he assist?

evernin Grippa - how are yu taking to the house-husband bit?

Not that many close to Cambridge itself and a few that are temporarily closed to the NW of that sheet. You'll find you'll probably need the adjoining maps.

Grippa's right, the Explorer maps are better, but you'll end up buying more maps. I end up fluro-highlighting the lanes anyway.

Not a good idea to go out by yourselves, especially in an unmodded truck. A group of us are going out on Sunday if you can persuade your Dad :)
Sunday, where abouts?

I am sure I can persuade him! Meeting up with people like yourselves is exactly what we need to do!

I am getting all excited :)

Starting at Wisbech and heading back toward Cambridge I think. Won't know for sure until Thursday, when we have a pub meet to have a chat.

The problem with round here is it's rather flat, so nothing really challenging, but especially in the fens there is a lot of clay which means you can get easily stuck.

Just check you've got some decent recovery points ;)
Ok, Dad is home and I showed him the thread, he laughed :)

He said he will decide later, after he has had some food and will probably need some more info, but at the moment he is not sure.

Also do you think an unmodded 2000 V8 Disco with road tyres and a tow bar will be up for it? And finally he said it does have a couple of good ones, one on the front and one on the back :)

he said it does have a couple of good ones, one on the front and one on the back :)

What I will say is whenever I've seen something pulled out, it's inevitably been an un-lifted disco or a range rover.

You won't know until you give it a go will you?

I've PM'd the details.
joshtouch, where bouts u live in cambs?? i have been investigating recently around my area and have found a few good lanes. aslo i was talking to a guy from manchetts the recovery service(whilst he was ordering the ''unimog'' to pull out my mate who had reversed into a ditch, and he said go on which show every ford and tidal road in the UK. there are quite a few round us and aslong as there is a bit more rain they can be pretty good fun!
if u want ne more info let me know cous me and a group of mates are planning on going lanning soon so ur more than welcome to come along!
Hi all

I have just been reading this thread and would be interested in joining in with you guys if there is a free space? I have a series IIa which I am working on with a view to getting it on the road so might be interested in trying to get it dirty. In the meantime I am more than happy to come along and see how muddy you guys really get. I am based just to the west of Cambridge, about 4 miles.

Thanks in advance


Just joined the forum.

I'm interested in a bit of laning around Cambridge and would be interested in hearing from anyone who wouldn't mind me tagging along sometime.


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