Six cars will be about right. Should be a good run out


6 vehicles is really the most you want to take or it can get intrusive on lanes, and inconvenient waiting for people to get through traffic etc on the way to the next lane.

Have fun gents.
Was a good day out steve with plenty of sun ;) some crackin lanes out that way.

Glad you enjoyed yourself Alc. Was impressed with the lanes I hadn't done before. Give me a shout if you want to go again, I have loads more to do that I know or need to find.
Glad you had a good day gents. It's a nice area to visit with some nice lanes.
Alc, if you have a link to your videos (YouTube or whatever), I wouldn't mind seeing them. :)
I dont have a youtube account sorry, if you pm your email address ill see if i can mail them from my phone?

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