Nearly all the lanes in Cornwall are tight. If you ever get chance to down a particular one nicknamed The Panther DONT anything bigger than a vitara and you get a very scratched and dented Landy. But saying that I did do it haha. But I'm sure you will find some real good ones :)
Does anyone now the next date for pay n play at bush farm, hatt, is ?

Or any other pay n play sites around this area ?

Baldhu near Truro is a really good place been there a lot of times. You can go there any day you want but most people obviously go on the Sunday's.
Cheers ludachris, yeah you are right, a lot of lanes are tight!

Have heard of the panther, although not encountered it.... Yet!!

Have heard of Baldhu, worth a look then.....
Cheers ludachris, yeah you are right, a lot of lanes are tight!

Have heard of the panther, although not encountered it.... Yet!!

Have heard of Baldhu, worth a look then.....

Haha please let me know if you do encounter the panther and how your Landy turns out :)

And yes Baldhu is worth a look I'm sure there is a offroad club that goes there but can't remember the name :S but Sunday obviously best day to go.
Baldhu is a place. When next on PC will put up a link to googlemaps on location of the offroading track. It is owned by a farmer who let's anyone go on it and have fun. It is open EVERY day just sundays there is a marshal on the gate who collects money. On other days (not Sunday) you need to enter via the farm (sign explains this all). From memory it is £10 or £20. Will post on here when I next go there.

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