you could try oggy shore in speke liverpool good little off road track some of the climbs are quite challenging pm me if you need directions
yeah thats it there have to carful as you the fuzz over there quite a bit these days used to be able to play all day out there
FFS daft, he's a scouser.......give him a break.....he's only just worked out what letters are
Theres a nice drive in the peak district near Hathersage between Glossop and Sheffield called "Houndkirk road", suitable for all types of vehicles and with a bit of a mud bog about half way along for a bit of a play. Took my bog standard P38 down it on new years day, bit foggy but good fun, takes about an hour to do. Look on OS Explorer map No OL1 Just off the A625 after Hathersage village.
Theres a nice drive in the peak district near Hathersage between Glossop and Sheffield called "Houndkirk road", suitable for all types of vehicles and with a bit of a mud bog about half way along for a bit of a play. Took my bog standard P38 down it on new years day, bit foggy but good fun, takes about an hour to do. Look on OS Explorer map No OL1 Just off the A625 after Hathersage village.
Thanks will give it a try in the near future.:)

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