done some of viking way this sunday and some other lanes in nottingham, found another lane thats worse than viking way, by heck it was wet and mudy, wouldnt mind meating in northants one weekend to do some lanes with you, possibility of 3 motors including me, cheers scotty
Yeh that would be great bud i'll give you a shout what about a day out in Derby?
we are off to weston coyney this weekend but possability of derbyshire the week after that we always meet at the green bus cafe on the matlock road about 9.30 and head off from there, i will give you a shout when we are going or you can come upto j26 m1 and io will meet you at ikea just off a610
Alright jimmy how r ya?
do you live in Northants then son? coz i do know of a really demanding lane near Grendon, a few in Plumpton and Dodford way if u fancy hookin up and checkin it out??:D

Alright Muddy,

Im good thanks. Im a bit of a novice when it comes to off roading, could do with some forgiving things for now and then more demanding in a few weeks as im goin out about 3 times a week...

If you could email me some directions to some lanes i would be greatful, then give me a few weeks an we'll hook up an rock them together...
dint be giving out details to newbies ya've nevva met yer dint know what they'll do to the lanes. Go out wiv a group and get to know peeps before asking for/giving out details.
Right head for a village called Buckminster, you will see it on os map...i'll leave you a mail as to which one. The viking way should be about a 3 hr run you will need to walk some ruts first and keep an eye out for logs that people stuff under the tyres for grip as they can flick up under your landy.
i am going to be going over to derby soon to mark up the mapswith more so if you want i'll give you those aswell.
Be safe bud.

hey hannibal could you stick me on that mailing list aswell please mate.

I too am in northampton looking to try sme green lanes. The Disco is just getting its waterpump sorted then will be ready to play.

Im new to all these off roading things but looking to play.

Would love to meet some people.

Hi Folks,

Mind if I stick my oar in? We only just started Green Laning, took the family out in Hertfordshire yesterday. Nothing too bum twitchingly difficult but tremendous fun! So if you wouldn't mind sticking us on your mailing list also.. that would be really good.

Also: Strikes me that it would be really useful to have a kind of summary of some of the lanes available for browsing. Maybe once folks have driven them an assessment of their difficulty and whether they are suitable do do alone... stuff like that. Anyway, just an idea what do I know, I've been driving a 4 x 4 my whole week!


What a good idea. Im sure ive seen somewhere a list of lanes and wheather you can go alone, need big tyres etc.

Im new to all this off road driving but would really like a play plus get my camera out at the same time.

i wud advise NEVVER go alone and use a minimum of AT tyres.

those who have gone out alone have been seen posting "Help" freds on here:eek:
go alone is very risky unless you got and know how to use self recovery gear(and you can use it in the aera you are stuck!)so thats probbably a least a winch and a ground ancor.a tow rope is great but wthout someone to tow you its just wasting fuel!
just read this post, and realise its not a "new" one. i just moved back to Northants and would like a partner for some laning. Not knowing the local routes i would prefer the back up of a free rescue!

So if anyone round here fancies some company on their trips, drop me a line and we can sort out a good time/ place.

Ive off roaded in defenders for years, but need to find out what my freelander can do!

Thanks a lot

having looked at local maps, i reckon i found a nice easy route out near hannington.

i am going to go and do a recce tomorrow and see how it goes.

Anyone driven a lane that way?
hi there is a few of us fron leicester and your more than welcome to tag along with us if you want were going to sibbertoft this sunday wich is near to northants and maybe the viking next week let me know if you want to join us
Hi folks....Im absolutely desperado for a green laning buddy in or around the Mids region. Im from Leics but happy with Derby, Notts, West or east mids and Northants. Does anyone arrange hook ups for newbys like me to tag a long and learn the ropes to speak?
Hiya folks.
I used to live in East Northamptonshire. I still head that way at least once a month to see me friends and kids. Been out down a few lanes. One is near the old Chelveston Air base. Quite an easy one. I'll do doing a few lanes again when I get the guards made up for my gas tanks.
Hi there i live in Leicester and there are some green lane out my way will try and send a map and directions my local club viking 4x4 do some green laneing the contact name is Richard jacock

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