
New Member
Alright everyone,

I live in northampton and i am lookin for some new places to get dirty. alot of lanes in Northamptonshire are closed at the mo, wondered if anyone knows of some good places i could go and enjoy my landy:confused:
Hi mate,have you tried the viking way? its a great lane but i think you will need to go with a mate...just in case.!
Right head for a village called Buckminster, you will see it on os map...i'll leave you a mail as to which one. The viking way should be about a 3 hr run you will need to walk some ruts first and keep an eye out for logs that people stuff under the tyres for grip as they can flick up under your landy.
i am going to be going over to derby soon to mark up the mapswith more so if you want i'll give you those aswell.
Be safe bud.
ok no probs...why is it that not many people want to do green laning, do they know what there missing?
defo, at least you go somewhere instead of round and f..king round.
Hope to book for the wild in wales soon.
defo, at least you go somewhere instead of round and f..king round.
Hope to book for the wild in wales soon.

Don't be fooking paying anyone there's loads of peeps go out regularly in wales on day trips and extended camping trips. just ask around on the main forums check the links in my siggy.
Paying to go greenlaning is a big no no most of the ****s that organise it are only after your cash. and take anything from 12 to 20 vehicles in one group.
Right head for a village called Buckminster, you will see it on os map...i'll leave you a mail as to which one. The viking way should be about a 3 hr run you will need to walk some ruts first and keep an eye out for logs that people stuff under the tyres for grip as they can flick up under your landy.
i am going to be going over to derby soon to mark up the mapswith more so if you want i'll give you those aswell.
Be safe bud.

Dude was you gonna leave me that mail soon? wanted to check it out at weekend...
sos for the delay bud been busy, right im in lincs this weekend but i dont have my os maps .
But as i said before just head for buckminster, the os map (orange one) should cover the Grantham,Croxton Kerrial,Sproxton and Skillington area. if you can get hold of the map you just cant miss it.
Good luck mate.
I will leave you those details when im back at the office next week.
hi i will be doing some lanes in nottingham tomorow meating at nottingham nights pub at 8.30, i have about 20 lanes marked for notts if intrested swap some lane refrences;)
Nice one hannibal look forward to it. alright scotty, thanks for the offer but before i go to far afield i want to convert my 2.5 diesel n/a to a 200tdi, if anyones got one for sale?
scotty, i do have some lanes marked for nots but if you have any more that would be great.
I am going to post lanes off the os maps both in lincs,leices and Derby if you like i'll add you to the list.

You know guys the more people that use the lanes the better for us anyway....

P.s I think Ramblers are great...!!!
Any joy with some green lanaing in and around Northants. I too am keen to get out and have som muddy fun...

Any ideas would be much appreciated.
I woull love to see the lanes in Leicester and Nottingham, not sure the easiest way to send them. Email add is

What are the legals on green laning, i'm assuming that the details you provide are lanes that can be used.
Any joy with some green lanaing in and around Northants. I too am keen to get out and have som muddy fun...

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Alright jimmy how r ya?
do you live in Northants then son? coz i do know of a really demanding lane near Grendon, a few in Plumpton and Dodford way if u fancy hookin up and checkin it out??:D
Hi mate,have you tried the viking way? its a great lane but i think you will need to go with a mate...just in case.!
done some of viking way this sunday and some other lanes in nottingham, found another lane thats worse than viking way, by heck it was wet and mudy, wouldnt mind meating in northants one weekend to do some lanes with you, possibility of 3 motors including me, cheers scotty

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