
New Member
Hi Guys,

Tried to go down a BOAT in Hampshire the othe day and found a recovery truck parked at the end of it, completely blocking the URoW, so I sat there for a bit having a look at my map just to confirm that it was definately the start of the BOAT, it was. While I was doing this a house owner from next to the BOAT came out and asked if I wanted to go down there and I explained that I did. He told me he had parked his truck there to stop 4x4's getting down there, he said its a BOAT not a road???

So I politely explained that a BOAT is a Byway Open To ALL Traffic, and as such is technically an Unsurfaced Road. He argued that he's fed up of people driving down it and hes not moving his truck! I explained that I do have a right to drive down there and its not his place to try and stop me, he should take this up with the local authorities if he has a problem. He wouldnt budge on the matter and eventually stormed off after I kept explaining (and remained polite throughout) that he cant block a RoW. So I phoned Hampshire Police and explained the problem to them, they said they would look into it but not for a week or so!?!?

Anyone experienced this kind of thing before?

That is pants! Well done for remaining polite. The Police response was unsurprising even though he was causing a statutory obstruction. I would check with the local authority that it is an open byway on the definitive map. You could take photos too.

Stuff like that is a good reason for joining GLASS. If you PM me the location or grid reference of it I'll pass it onto the Hants GLASS rep to make others aware & also as he speaks with the local authority.

It's bad enough with Council's stopping up lanes without grumpy locals joining in!
If you get a similar problem again when you phone the police tell them that you want them to attend "in order to avoid a breach of the peace been committed" and that you believe the situation could get violent. They are then required to attend, when they arrive just tell em he was been abusive and aggressive and you feared for your safety.
Cheers Redhand! - I may give that one a go if it ever happens ago, although hopefully I wont get any more confrontations!

Marcus - Its in Weston, near Petersfield. Checked the Hants council online RoW map and its marked as a BOAT on there and checked the TRO's and its not listed, however it is listed on the proposed TRO's (BOAT 405 I think) list for being rutted and having standing water. So in hindsight maybe its best if I dont go down it anyway as Id be in the wrong if I churn it up some more!


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