
New Member
Hi all I have just got a 4x4 has a lift n snorkel mud tyres and is a toy (ie dont mind damage)

I have bought this car to take my father out as he is retired and going mad with boredom and I want hime to get out a bit (he has recently had his licence expire) and he loves the country and 4x4s

So in short we are looking for routs and buddies to go drive with

We are not idiots or boy racers we are not that brave either LOL we also dont wanna start at hi livel we jus wanna get away from The Mrs haha and get muddy see stuff others dont and enjoy whats left of out lovely country

Many thanks
Keep an eye on here as runs do come up with groups in your area, i just missed out on one a week ago (was cheesed off) through some surrey and hampshire lanes/hills.
Pics are on the Guildford thread.

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