Matt go back to page 1 of this thread you will find 3 pics of the lane which I took earlier this year. I will see if I can pop by tomorrow and explore a little on foot and take more pics. If not tomorrow I will get up there this week sometime.

How about Sunday coming 10th Dec? Vizsla?

I will take a look at those links too.

Hopefully we might be able to start some kind of regular meet perhaps once per month?
I don't know how I missed those pics And yeah sure this Sunday is perfect for me just need to hear from Vizsla,

And a regular meet up sounds great, if we are making a day of it then we can always stop by a pub and discuss it all :)
Sounds good lads, iv got a roof rack to pick up Sunday morning which is a couple of hours trip but should be back around for 11 of thats ok?. i havnt got a tow rope but i could get one ordered and should get it intime
That works perfect for me, gives me time to get there and maybe get a breakfast on the way :) I might be able to get a tow rope too but it's an essential anyway so will plan to get one this week
Sounds good pal, theres a butchers on the other side of the road about 500 yards back towards the a38 roundabout that do a nice breakfast cob and other cobs pal, looking farward to it lads its been a while for me
Okay cool thanks for that, if that's close to where we are going how about we all meet there for a certain time?
Sounds good to me - Sunday 11th (not 10th which I said earlier as that's Saturday - oops) about 11:00am. We can meet at the butchers shop - not sure if it is open Sunday though? Will try and get some type of towing rope myself - should have bought one at the LR show the other day in Stoneleigh but ended up buying some 3 tonne axle stands and didn't fancy looking for ropes while carrying a heavy box. Will pm you both my mobile number and will take some pics tomorrow and post them on this thread.
Okay that's great, just checked the butchers is closed on a Sunday but looking at it on street view it's does look like a great place to meet to begin with, especially with the coop that's open opposite for drinks and snacks :)
Your very right mate it's closed on a Sunday doh its been a long day!
Shal we just meet up the lane or due still want to meet at butchers
Id say meet at butchers as I know now what that looks like and I haven't been little eaten before and it's an easy place to set sat nav if that's okay with you guys?
The butchers is called Barry Fitch - put this in your sat nav: 135 Alfreton Rd, Little Eaton, Derby DE21 5DF it is on a corner off the main street you can't miss it.
Has anyone got a copy of the landy mag with the routs in you could bring so i could have a nosy and mayb get some ideas for our next trip! Il hunt my os map out

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