Between constantly fixing the bloody disco and trying to set up a new business I've been a bit lax on organizing a day out on the lanes recently. I'm out on the 11th of Dec but that trip is full, however I will get something organized over the xmas holidays so keep an eye open on the Derbyshire Laning thread. With a bit of luck we might even have some of this snow stuff they keep threatening :D
I'm still interested in some gentle green laning. Sorry I haven't been online - been busy with day to day stuff. My friend has a Disco 1 but he usually trailers it to where he is going as it isn't road legal. I would still be interested in taking a look at that lane in Little Eaton or others as long as they are quite easy (for beginners) and not likely to damage my vehicle.
Matt I think Doncaster is about 1 hour from Matlock. Would you be interested in trying some of the lanes around Matlock written about in LRO earlier this year? We have a few people on this thread saying they may be interested in doing something.

I would propose myself, mattmaclaren, tpress and vizsla meet up to look at some of the Matlock lanes. Everyone let me know what you think and I will suggest a selection of dates.

Would a Sunday suit everyone?
Absolutely! That would be great and yes Matlock is about an hour from me but usually go Boxing Day every year to watch the fantastic charity raft race past the old mill, would be great to go looking for lanes, also my discovery is basically standard so can't do anything to serious just for the heads up :)
Boxing day would suit me as my kids are away for a few days over Christmas. Not sure if that would suit everyone though. I have a standard RR P38 with air suspension and road tyres and I don't want to tackle anything too difficult either.

Let's wait and see if tpress and vizsla come back with a reply.
All this talking and made me tempted to go and find some locals lanes to try, il have to keep a tab up on LZIR just incase :)
Boxing day would suit me as my kids are away for a few days over Christmas. Not sure if that would suit everyone though. I have a standard RR P38 with air suspension and road tyres and I don't want to tackle anything too difficult either.

Let's wait and see if tpress and vizsla come back with a reply.

Maybe Boxing Day would be a little tricky for most with family's as they wont want to be out and about, especially close to xmas or just after for that matter, so maybe sooner rather than later? Just a thought
Wow sounds like wev got a few people up for it, id generally be ok for a Sunday but id probably have my little girl with me as she loved the drover! Id have to give boxing day a miss though. Maybe we could all just meet up at the lane at little eaton for an hour one weekend, have a play and get out heads together and plan a trip
vizsla I'm happy to meet most Sundays in Little Eaton but Matt is about 2 hours away so it might be too far for him. I would have my two kids with me most days as well. Do you have any tow ropes as I don't and that's one thing we could need if someone gets stuck. Lets see if tpress replies then we can try and organise something
It's only 52mins from me on the sat nav :) so I'm happy with that, I may have my dog with me and maybe the girlfriend :) so yeah let's organise something for a Sunday?
OK - tell you what let's the three of us meet up one Sunday then. Meanwhile if tpress replies he can join in if he likes. I am free EVERY Sunday in December and January at the moment so Matt & Vizsla I'll let you two suggest some dates. I will do a recce of the lane again this week and post some pics - I imagine it won't be too muddy as we haven't had much rain recently.
If you blokes look on you'll see what other green lanes are in the area and maps4free is an online o/s map website or you can borrow them from your local library if you don't want to buy them ;)
OK - tell you what let's the three of us meet up one Sunday then. Meanwhile if tpress replies he can join in if he likes. I am free EVERY Sunday in December and January at the moment so Matt & Vizsla I'll let you two suggest some dates. I will do a recce of the lane again this week and post some pics - I imagine it won't be too muddy as we haven't had much rain recently.

Yes I'm free every Sunday too but with this been xmas period sooner rather than later would be better for me, Vizla how about you? And yeah Justyn if you could have a little peek and send us some pics that would be great or we could just meet up the 3 of us and just go :) like maramaduke said we can always look around the local area for more lanes :) and thanks for the links will have a look now, what do people think to

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