
Active Member
is there any where on the web wer i can get the gpx file for green lanes ???

i have a app on my phone that allows me to import them !!

suggestions please ???

cheers inadvance

GPX files are GPS Exchange XML-encoded files. You may be able to convert other formats (AEF or whatever memory maps uses) into GPX, but I'm not aware of a site, other than which exports GPX files as a matter of course. But since I have only come across GPX files when I've been doing geocaching that's probably not a surprise! :)
ok cheers for that i will look into it...

i just want to put some routes that other green laners have done and use the map to locate them and plan a route for me and some others, well try to !!

cant remember the site but they was one were green laners put their route on to share it with others !!! so they could do the same route !!!


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