ratty ain't in the group i'm in ...:rolleyes:
in me group are..
steve campbell/ballast
pops ( veggie)/ballast
muds/lesley (veggie)

Mr Freddy007 , i'll get you one anyway cos you asked soo nicely ...no contribution needed ...just proving to MHM that actually not all cornish folk are after yer money!!:D:D

Ballast = winch kit so I get twice the food allowance
ratty ain't in the group i'm in ...:rolleyes:
in me group are..
steve campbell/ballast
pops ( veggie)/ballast
muds/lesley (veggie)

Mr Freddy007 , i'll get you one anyway cos you asked soo nicely ...no contribution needed ...just proving to MHM that actually not all cornish folk are after yer money!!:D:D

I have mini Mandy as passenger so can I order a pasty for her too please :D she's not vege...and does not like cheese!! :eek:
ratty ain't in the group i'm in ...:rolleyes:
in me group are..
steve campbell/ballast
pops ( veggie)/ballast
muds/lesley (veggie)

Mr Freddy007 , i'll get you one anyway cos you asked soo nicely ...no contribution needed ...just proving to MHM that actually not all cornish folk are after yer money!!:D:D

Is yu proppa Kornish then - or just an upstart wannabe like these others then? ;0
Is yu proppa Kornish then - or just an upstart wannabe like these others then? ;0

Well me folks aren't kornish , gillingham , kent and stockton -upon-tees , but i've lived here all my life courtesy of her maj's Royal Navy and run me own business here for 28yrs , so near as dammit , don't matter anyhow , still makes me more generous than some ..;);):D
ratty ain't in the group i'm in ...:rolleyes:
in me group are..
steve campbell/ballast
pops ( veggie)/ballast
muds/lesley (veggie)

Mr Freddy007 , i'll get you one anyway cos you asked soo nicely ...no contribution needed ...just proving to MHM that actually not all cornish folk are after yer money!!:D:D

No Ballast so just a small full meat fat bastad please:)
Are there any proppa Cornish left (except for Bill the fisherman @ Coverack)?

ha , i'm sure if push came to shove , they'd call me there own ...as long as you can get the equation right ...
good scenery + good company + good food = good times . then it doesn't matter where you come from , it's what you do whilst your here that counts..:p:D
No Ballast so just a small full meat fat bastad please:)

ok so the choice was small , medium and fat bastid , you seem to have small and fat bastid in the same sentence , so i'll bring a medium and you can share what you don't eat with the birds..;)
can someone who knows the elusive ' steve campbell ' (possibly a meerkat advert superstar?:D) please let me know if he wants a pasty and whether his ballast does also ....thankiess...:D:D
can someone who knows the elusive ' steve campbell ' (possibly a meerkat advert superstar?:D) please let me know if he wants a pasty and whether his ballast does also ....thankiess...:D:D

I'm sure him and his mate Andy will be quite happy chowing down on any old pasty, might swap the groups round again so I get one anorl :rolleyes::D
I'm sure him and his mate Andy will be quite happy chowing down on any old pasty, might swap the groups round again so I get one anorl :rolleyes::D

Righty ho , i'll go slap some cornish maid into crackin' on and getting the pasties ordered ..;)

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