Can't see there being any time to do more than Happy Valley in a day though ... it's about 2 1/2 hrs just to get to the start :rolleyes:

Are we doing everything in happy valley? i thought we were doing the 2 main happy valley ones and then working back toward welshpool way?

well either way there is loads to do. :)
We can do the main routes across the Happy Valley, cut out the Dinas route and head towards the river crossing and take it from there.
Andy has to get it while he can you see! now his missus is on facespace too. :lol: :behindsofa:
If the snow and ice comes back that weekend, we could be playing all the way there and all the way back as well

Well I know the euphoric feeling when your stuck with no hope and the cavalry arrive to save the day.
Might be some snow bound victims to rescue.

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