gummy bear

Active Member
Hi all
Just saw this on another 4x4 forum and thought I should put it on here,sorry if its already been out on landyzone but we can never have too many signatures
: )
Here's the link

Amendment to the EC Roadworthiness Package for Historic Vehicles - e-petitions

And here's wot it's about.

Amendment to the EC Roadworthiness Package for Historic Vehicles

Responsible department: Department for Transport

The European Commission is proposing to outlaw the use of any modifications and non-original components to historic vehicles by introducing the following legislation;
Periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers and repealing Directive 2009/40/EC"
Many elements of this legislation make good sense, however the legislation in its current format would immediately render thousands of historic vehicles illegal because of ‘common sense enhancements’.
Surely this would jeopardize jobs in this valuable industry and the multi million pound supply chain, and in many cases actually rendering safety enhancements illegal as they were not fitted by vehicles designers, possibly causing fatalities.
The request is that Parliament consider the implications of banning modifications to historic vehicles, and suggest that the EU policy should be changed to closer reflect the sensible use of modifications in keeping with the vehicles historic design and nature?
There is no way the government would shut down a multi billion pound a year industry. Just imagine how much money they would lose in tax!!!
They are slowly shutting down the tabacco industry without much care for the billions a year its worth. Banded it in pubs and workplaces, work vehicles etc. And now supermarkets have to keep it out of sight. Slowly but surely its becomming socially unacceptable. Government don't care about the money lost to the economy or the lost revenue.

I think the only way the politicians will fight for our right to modify cars, is if we let them know that it matters to voters.
For the 7 years i have drove i have seen the same simliar petition. Same crap different year, there seems to be a law that's coming every year thats going to ban moddified vehicles, and threatens to shut down a massive industry.
Cheers for replies all
Every body is entitled to there own opinion,that's why things like this happen in first place but the way I see it,it's better to sign something like this just incase : )
It is unlikely they would bring a law like this in but not impossible not to mention they could water it down abit and try different angle.
So if u got a spare 30 sec then u may aswell sign it just incase:D
Obviously it's free and u don't start getting bombarded with crap emails.
I am guessing not many of you have actually read and understood what this is about?

Its not a ban on modified vehicles, not at all, what it is for is to reclassify historic vehicles (thats pre 1973) as normal vehicles if they are not in their original condition (i.e. unmodified). It is NOT a ban on all modifications and would not affect anyone who owns a post '73 vehicle!

As I have said before however this is all bull****, I have seen these for years and its scaremongering, DfT and VOSA have no intention to change the current rulings, Historic status will remain pre '73 and not go onto a rolling system as it was before and modifications will not change this status.
You lot in the UK can count your selves lucky, here in Portugal any major mods can fail you on the MOT.

And, for years now, if you are caught with tyres other than those indicated on the "log-book" they hit you with a hefty fine and you have to change them back.

I'll not even go into what happens if you happen to change the vehicles colour or colour system......
You lot in the UK can count your selves lucky, here in Portugal any major mods can fail you on the MOT.

And, for years now, if you are caught with tyres other than those indicated on the "log-book" they hit you with a hefty fine and you have to change them back.

I'll not even go into what happens if you happen to change the vehicles colour or colour system......

This is what DfT and VOSA are really against, its the same in many european countries, Germany asks for a test certificate if you change tyre brand, France wont allow any non standards OE approved engine parts (so no bodging your exhaust e.t.c) and Spain, well they dont seem to really give a **** to be honest but there are many rules there as well...

The UK will keep the freedom to modify, its part of the british culture, its something we are good at and it won't be stopped, they may find ways to discourage and profit from it but we will always be allowed to modify...
As far as I can see, there is nothing in any proposed legislation that prohibits the modification of your vehicle. All the proposed legislation that this petition is against aims for, is that vehicles classed as having historic status, and therefore tax exempt and if pre 1960, MOT exempt, lose this status if any significant modifications are made. As has been said before, it is extremely unlikely that the UK will pass any legislation that completely bans the modification of vehicles. The modifcation scene in the uk is just too big.

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