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Thought nice weather/spare space to move cars around so I can take the s2 for a spin, not driven it for at least 6 months.
Clear the decks fire her up (after rememebering where hidden switch was!) and we are away until second press of the clutch where the clutch pedal then locked solid, great I think and start thinking of all the time consuming/expensive things that can be wrong with it.
Got wife to push me back up the driveway with the 90, then started to investigate, 2 minutes later I could see the bottom of the clutch slave body rusty as hell and pushrod maxed out stroke wise, so one quick flick with a pry bar and we are back in servide again, love em.

Just back from a faultless 10 mile test drive, I had forgotten how good they can be to drive.
How’d you last not driving for 6 months!! Been a nice day up,here too, trip to skips with rear full of tree cuttings and 2 callouts to son with focus tdci not starting, got the Di in mine , heater runs really cool normally so put some foamy carpet under in front of rad, and with all running around cab got really warm :eek:
How’d you last not driving for 6 months!! Been a nice day up,here too, trip to skips with rear full of tree cuttings and 2 callouts to son with focus tdci not starting, got the Di in mine , heater runs really cool normally so put some foamy carpet under in front of rad, and with all running around cab got really warm :eek:

Problem is one car on road, 90 behind that which is in front of the series, add in the road is normally jammed with cars leaving nowhere to park all the cars that need moving.

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