Sorry not a "90" its a modified 88" series, range rover running gear and engine, and a 90
front body work , had a bit going on with the grey matter appologies.
Unfortunately Defenders are relatively high value and also relatively easy to steal, therefore they tend to be a target for thiefs who appear to be very well organised.
I am speaking from experience as I had my 1997 300TDi 100 stolen 4 weeks ago and after much agonising decided to replace it again. I heard that there was around 30 defenders stolen in the Halifax area over the Xmas period and some of them appear to have been winched onto low beds. Most likely broken up for parts (they are easy to dissasemble then put back together again .. so possibly parts shipped abroad)
Mybe trackers provide some solution, I see that you can buy some DIY GPS tracking systems on ebay now for under £100 (and the cost of a mobile SIM card), maybe I will try one of these out ... anyone else out there with any security recommendations for defenders, ??

i am from halifax and can vouch for the 30 defenders going,td5s are very easy to get going,best detterent i used in my v8 lightweight was a piece of 5mm ply about 300mm long and 200mm wide sharpen a load of 3 inch nails and drive them through at different angles,get some black hammerite paint and mix in some sand and paint the whole lot(bit like blue peter this),place it on the drivers seat,trust me you will hear the screams,
Now there are some people who will condem this method but when you have had over 25k worth of losses over 22 years you tend not give F$%K
how much pain and suffering you cause these scumbags

i am from halifax and can vouch for the 30 defenders going,td5s are very easy to get going,best detterent i used in my v8 lightweight was a piece of 5mm ply about 300mm long and 200mm wide sharpen a load of 3 inch nails and drive them through at different angles,get some black hammerite paint and mix in some sand and paint the whole lot(bit like blue peter this),place it on the drivers seat,trust me you will hear the screams,
Now there are some people who will condem this method but when you have had over 25k worth of losses over 22 years you tend not give F$%K
how much pain and suffering you cause these scumbags

Gazz, you are to be highly commended, I bet you can sell these:D:D.
Derbyshire has high theft rate but seems to be defenders not series as far as I can tell.
i got some new insurance quotes the other day and the cheapest i got quoted was from coverbox, it was a pay as you drive policy you get a Free GPS box, their installers come to you and you get Free theft tracking (worth £300) & Free website reporting access. good if you couldnt afford a tracker.
I dont mean to be a doom and gloom merchant but most trackers can be immobilised with a leccy welder on the chassis,i know they cannot do this outside the house but once theyve got it in a lockup they can do pretty much what they want,the best immobiliser ive used is a simple 2 pole micro switch wired to the stop solenoid on the pump/fuel pump.on my td5 when i park up on a night i even lift the bonnet and tap the fuel cut off switch on the bulk head it aint starting once thats activated,you could even route the fuel line somewhere convienient and put in a shut of valve for the fuel.
I love the nail in the ply touch ( preferably rusty bastards) , i know i am going to have
another sleepless night tonight ,picking up my replacement landrover in about 4hrs , tempted to sleep in it tonight with my mates shotgun!!!.
i can see the way we all think by trying to immobilise our motors ,and i can fully understand why we do it but the last 2 that have been pinched from me have both been
towed!! jacked up dolly under the wheels and pushed,then hitched up and towed!!!!
ground anchors ,security poles ,and an alarm that will make ears bleed is my next approach!! oh yeah and a bull mastif ( thats not fed till the morning!!!!)
I dont mean to be a doom and gloom merchant but most trackers can be immobilised with a leccy welder on the chassis,i know they cannot do this outside the house but once theyve got it in a lockup they can do pretty much what they want,the best immobiliser ive used is a simple 2 pole micro switch wired to the stop solenoid on the pump/fuel pump.on my td5 when i park up on a night i even lift the bonnet and tap the fuel cut off switch on the bulk head it aint starting once thats activated,you could even route the fuel line somewhere convienient and put in a shut of valve for the fuel.

For the less mechy minded of us out there is a guide for installing / modding a fuel cut-off system into a 200 / 300 engine?
i would think the easiest option would be to run the live feed from the stop solenoid into cabin area and onto a two pole micro switch,hide that somewhere out of way (under dash or even in glove box)then return the wire off the back of the switch back to the solenoid.when you turn engine off flick the switch and even if they "hot wire"or "Black box"it it wont start because the switch is stopping the feed to the solenoid.its a very simple mod thats very effective given that most car theives are brain dead morons and not likely to lift the bonnet to diagnose a non starting fault,obviously it wont stop them towing it though.
hope this helps,

I love the nail in the ply touch ( preferably rusty bastards) , i know i am going to have
another sleepless night tonight ,picking up my replacement landrover in about 4hrs , tempted to sleep in it tonight with my mates shotgun!!!.
i can see the way we all think by trying to immobilise our motors ,and i can fully understand why we do it but the last 2 that have been pinched from me have both been
towed!! jacked up dolly under the wheels and pushed,then hitched up and towed!!!!
ground anchors ,security poles ,and an alarm that will make ears bleed is my next approach!! oh yeah and a bull mastif ( thats not fed till the morning!!!!)
How to Make a Smart Car Surveillance System Using a Mobile Phone: 10 steps (with video) - wikiHow
check out this,could be worth a try,
Bloody pikes, we need to take a page out of northern irelands books. shots some wrists and knee caps. police are a waste of time unless you have a brake light out.
What security was on it?

Obviously not enough !!

I like the idea of small black fly fishing hooks suspended in the cab so when they climb in they get their faces caught in them. It works in garden sheds as well......... you don't need an alarm as they squeel like stuck pigs......
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Obviously not enough !!

I like the idea of small black fly fishing hooks suspended in the cab so when they climb in they get their faces caught in them. It works in garden sheds as well......... you don't need an alarm as they squeel like stuck pigs......

thats a goodun.....i like it
obviously not enough !!

I like the idea of small black fly fishing hooks suspended in the cab so when they climb in they get their faces caught in them. It works in garden sheds as well......... You don't need an alarm as they squeel like stuck pigs......

those !pikeys! as you call us were probably out doing scrap metal and calling about old parked cars. ive been a member for 4mins and i find the word pikey straight away. maybe it was the niggers or the pakis that took it ,did i just say that. i bet you find that offencive racist words , nuff said
those !pikeys! as you call us were probably out doing scrap metal and calling about old parked cars. ive been a member for 4mins and i find the word pikey straight away. maybe it was the niggers or the pakis that took it ,did i just say that. i bet you find that offencive racist words , nuff said

OOps :dnfnoob:

read some threads before yu jump in with both feet :rolleyes:

those !pikeys! as you call us were probably out doing scrap metal and calling about old parked cars. ive been a member for 4mins and i find the word pikey straight away. maybe it was the niggers or the pakis that took it ,did i just say that. i bet you find that offencive racist words , nuff said

Aye bastids int they yu wun't believe the fooking stuff I get blamed for on ere.

Mind yu they is got a point. I int met a pikey yet that wasn't a thieving little bastid. Met plenty of proper gypsies that were the salt of the earth though. :rolleyes:

Oh and as Pikey doesn't relate to any particular race or ethnic creed I'd love to know how ya come to the conclusion that it's racist unlike the **** you posted which is a banning offence by the way. :mad:
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those !pikeys! as you call us were probably out doing scrap metal and calling about old parked cars. ive been a member for 4mins and i find the word pikey straight away. maybe it was the niggers or the pakis that took it ,did i just say that. i bet you find that offencive racist words , nuff said

Unfortunately most pikeys these days are out to rip people off, steal and fly tip. This gives them a bad name. If you don't like the name why not try changing peoples attitudes of what pikeys are. The best way of getting people to change their opinions would be for the theiving bastid pikeys to **** off and leave other peoples stuff alone. Not all pikeys are theiving scum but unfortunately the good ones are now in the minority.

If it was niggers and pakis that took it they woulda said 'niggers and pakis'. As they said 'pikeys' I have a feeling it might narrow it down.:doh: