Are you a member of the AA or RAC or such? If so...give them a call. They won't work on brakes at the roadside, but should be able to give you pointers as to the problem. Not convinced you should be doing 50 when you know your brakes are suspect!!!
Are you a member of the AA or RAC or such? If so...give them a call. They won't work on brakes at the roadside, but should be able to give you pointers as to the problem. Not convinced you should be doing 50 when you know your brakes are suspect!!!

Problem solved today, brake master cylinder swapped and snaffled an eezi bleed kit. Brakes are rock solid now and bled after the first go round, took me 10 minutes, that eezi bleed kit was well worth the money!

Also managed to fix the heater blower and change the front diff oil today, was like a green gravy coming out...think it hadn't been changed in a while!

also roller painted the front section white, was a rushed job if im honest, masked as best I could but still got paint everywhere and it has high orange peel, seems I'll be out with the wet sanding for a while.

Progress atleast!
Well this is getting tiring now. The brake problem still exists. Current thoughts is a dodgy wheel bearing pushing the piston back in meaning once moving you have to pump the brake to get the piston back in its place.

Plus the paintwork is annoying. The roller white paint goes on fine but is orange peeled to buggery. After flatting back you can inevitably see some filler underneath. Another coat on top and hey presto, back to orange peel.

The tin of satin black I've got seem's more appealing every time I peel the masking tape off.

Satin black defenders, yay or nay?

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