
Active Member
Recieved my synergy VP-L from roveron today!:5bhurray:, going to fit it tomorrow, think I will solder it in as I am allergic to crappy scotchclips!

Has any other synergy owners got a reccomended setting please?
Obviously I will experiment, but a starting point would be nice.

Well done, let us know how it goes. Don't know about vp settings but for synergy 2 it's maximum for manual cars & roverrons maximum recommended setting in the instructions for the auto (the jatco autobox is not designed to handle the torque of the maximum setting).
Switch the box to maximum & let your right foot do all the regulating, but obviously I've no experience of the vp unit for the L-series so it might be different to set up.
Fitted it this morning (10 mins) and had a play today, definetley worthwile!
Instead of urging the L-Series to move along, the throttle is now spritely at low rpm and the mid range torque is fantastic. Much more enjoyable to drive.
Turned it up bit at a time until the smoke was too bad then backed it off. (setting 6 and power screw @ 60%).
The other effect of using the module is that it now also seems to run alot quieter, less smoke at high load and its smoother, I picked my mate up for work this morning and he reckons his 09 plate focus is louder!
This leads me to believe that my map sensor must of been a bit tired.
Declared it to my insurance (Admiral) £30 for the year extra, so happy with that!

All the L-Series owners out there:

You need this!!!!
glad you felt the improvement !

told ya it was worth it ! lol

funny how you say you get smoke when you turn it up, is that when you turn up the screw full or the switch to full, as i havent noticed any more smoke since i added mine and mine is on medium settings ?

I must admit to seeing no smoke regardless of settings. hmm and you say you got loads at settings I have seen none. I wonder if mine is working properly ? Ill do some tests tomorrow.
Hey Hippo just seen your reply, glad Im not the only one with no smoke. Did you solder or use the clips that came with it ?
I get the smoke when turning the screw right up, I have kept the switch position at 6 (stage 2 medium). With the improvement its made I gave energy tuning a call yesterday and had a chat, he says every engine is different so you have to set it up individualy.

Because of the huge overall imrovement in general running I am thinking that my MAP sesnor is tired and I will try another one, I have tried getting a part number off microcat and the web but no joy- does anyone have a god number for one please?

Rognog, isnt your boost tweaked up too? Im thinking of trying to borrow a boost gauge from someone and doing mine as this will also reduce the smoke.
yep and it did make a slight improvement. I have decatted, removed the EGR and got the VP in. It does make a difference but I must admit its like putting lipstick on a pig compared to the differences i hear about for the TD4 mods
yep and it did make a slight improvement. I have decatted, removed the EGR and got the VP in. It does make a difference but I must admit its like putting lipstick on a pig compared to the differences i hear about for the TD4 mods

Td4 differences are good but there have ben quite a few L-series boys coming to the forum lately who have found the vp unit to be excellent. Don't forget basics like regular injector cleaner like millers to keep them good.
Millers all the way!
Im well happy with my synergy VP, its a less labourous and far more pleasant drive now. Pulling away from junctions is transformed and the whole power range now has decent grunt.
Went to bourton on the water on sunday, and it aced the big rolling cotswold hills taking most of them in 5th! I can remember doing the same journey only 2 months ago and having to change down to 3rd.
Fuel consumption so far seems unaffected (which is good as I have been giving it the odd 'Italian Tuneup'), money well spent in my opinion.
would this kit fit my 53 plate TD4? its an early freelander, 1998-2003 model.

how much does it cost? how hard is it to fit? what sort of difference would it make?

cheers, mick.
cheers for the quick replys! i will have a look round the site in the morn, im off for some well earned beauty sleep now.

cheers, mick.
Went to stoke and back today, for those of you who know it, on the way back I went up the A417 Birdlip hill (10%+ Gradient) in 5th! Pleasure to drive on the motorway great overtaking now.
From brim to the red line got 410 miles. Thats with todays trip of 180 miles and a mixed bag of A road driving, town driving and me generally dicking around setting up the VP pretending its a GTI. Well happy with that!
Just to resurerect this thread for the L series massive,
I have changed my injectors this week to proper freelander ones instead of an old set from a 820 that someone had slapped in.
Smooth as silk and much quieter (apart from my one annoying tappet), No smoke anymore on any setting but I do have to turn the power screw quite far up to get a half decent noticeable power increase, just a bit wary about damage. How far has anyone else got their VP turned up?

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