
New Member
Better late than never I thought I would share the Joy of getting my Series III home on the back of a trailer last Sunday.
To get it in the garage I had to take the roof and back door off, but I intend to take the body off anyway so I can repair the chassis.
I'm lucky that can also heighten the garage as it sits on a wooden base so I would just have to add more wood.:)
I have ordered replacement footwells as they are rotten, I'm really looking forward to making a start on it this weekend. I'm hoping that I'm just as keen by next weekend.;)


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Nice one, that should keep you busy for a while. Are you keeping the iron work on the front bumper?
ive got the same garage, also can be lifted if need be (is that why the hi lift is by the door?). many hours of fun are ahead of you with your project
Does anyone have an electronic version of the owners manual for a series III I went to start it today and ended up with the side lights on it took me ages to get them to turn off and I'm still not certain how I did it.
When I eventually got it started it was a bit of an eye opener when I could remove the key and the engine kept on running, I'm convinced it was trying to choke me with the clouds of smoke that it was emitting.
taught by pikey to always keep your eyes open for a "bargain"
Sod the hi-lift you missed the fact that the garage is steel there's a lot of scrap value in that shed!

Back up in Cargo with an Hiab and you've got yer beer money for the evening.

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